Somerset Arms

Extracts from: A History Of Maiden Bradley by H.D.KitchingAnd moving to the sixteenth century ,from its records we know there were at least two inns in the village owned by the priory, one 'Le Swan' and the other La Bell. One Coles was the landlord of the' Swan' in 1509, and his rent being 32/- per annum, while Thomas Ruggesley was landlord of 'La Bell' at 20/- per annum. Where Le Swan was is not known, but may have been in Church Street just south of the cross roads, but there was a public house still going in 1805. 'Bell Ground' was the name of a narrow strip of land which ran from the rear of the Bell to Back Lane, and would have been used for growing vegetables, keeping pigs , and possibly the grazing of travellers horses. It was the first house in Church Street to the north of the present 'Somerset Arms'.The earliest known references to public houses in the village relate to 'Le Swan' and 'La Bell' in 1509 . When the former ceased to exist is not known , but 'La Bell' was still going in 1805. In the 1779 rate record three Inns are mentioned , The bell The George and The Shoulder Of Mutton . Where the George was we do not Know, but it was presumably a coaching Inn, and would therefore have been on one of the two coaching routes running through the village . It did not last long and by 1783 its place had been taken by The New Inn - the Old Manor House in Church Street (more recently used as the village shop and Post Office), it outlasted all others and was still going until the Somerset Arms was built in 1865.more

Pub SignWrought iron curlicues on a rectilinear frame feature the Duke of Somerset's family (Seymour) coat of arms. Sign's motto translates: 'Faith for Duty'. Intact since 1893, it was knocked down a couple of years ago - now back as good as new! A superb pub sign and a significant local feature - which was noticeable by its absence. - jpThe Duke of Somerset still lives at Bradley House. The family coat of arms is also displayed at the Somerset Arms Public House. Wikipedia