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Service currently only available for England.

How can I get a building listed or delisted?

If you wish to have a building considered for listing or de-listing you should submit an application form to English Heritage. Further information on listed buildings, including the guidance notes explaining how to complete the application form, can be found on the English Heritage’s website. You do not need to be the owner of a building to make a request for listing/delisting.

English Heritage assesses buildings put forward for listing or de-listing and provides advice to DCMS on the architectural and historic interest. The Secretary of State, who is free to seek additional advice from others, then decides whether to list or de-list the building.

The DCMS does not normally consider a request for de-listing when:

  • There is a current application for listed building consent relating to the building

  • There is an appeal against refusal of consent

  • If any legal action is being taken by the Local Authority

Any request for a listing review should be accompanied by:

  • A justification for adding (or deleting) a building

  • Location plan

  • Clear up-to-date photographs

  • Any other historical information on the building

There is no requirement to consult the owners before a building is listed but unless an inspector is aware of a specific threat, they will contact the owner or leave a visiting card. There is also no right of appeal against a listing and no right to compensation for loss of redevelopment opportunities


Before starting your application please read the application checklist (PDF 65.92KB) to see what you will need to have to hand when completing the form. Our application form guidance (PDF 55.97KB) provides step-by-step guidance on how to fill out the form.

