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For bag/FLUSH, do a Google Search: water soluble dog poo bags uk - or, ask at your local pet shop. The latter should be able to order them for you if not in stock.

The Big Scoop event is over now but obviously picking up after dogs has to be done all year round. We'll leave this item up as a reminder of that and as an advert for an organisation worth finding out more about, here. . .

Welcome to The Big Scoop!

Keep Britain Tidy have teamed up with the UK’s largest dog welfare charity Dogs Trust to launch the first-ever The Big Scoop on June 14, when all around the UK there will be events and activities promoting poop scooping.

We are a nation of dog-lovers. There are some 10.5 million dogs in the UK and 39% of households own at least one dog.

Unfortunately, although the vast majority of dog owners are responsible and pick up after their pets, a small minority refuse to do the right thing and the consequence is that pavements, parks, sports pitches and beaches can be blighted by dog mess, which is offensive and potentially dangerous.

The campaign has attracted some high-profile celebrity support, with TV presenters and dog owners Ben Fogle and Kirstie Allsopp backing the drive to encourage responsible dog ownership when it comes to cleaning up.

Up and down the country local authorities spend millions of pounds each year on cleaning up dog mess and many communities are suffering the consequences of the minority of those irresponsible dog owners.

The Big Scoop is an opportunity to remind every dog owner that they need to ‘Bag it and bin it’.

Children are the ‘dog owners of tomorrow’ and also suffer the consequences of irresponsible dog owners not picking up on their walk to school or when they play in the park.

The Big Scoop is asking them to spread the word to their parents, schools and neighbours by being Super Pooper Scooper heroes! Maybe they could design some posters and take home some bags to give to dog-owning family and friends.

Whether you’re a council or a community group, a vet or a school, or if you simply want to show your support as an individual, you can order free materials to help you be a part of The Big Scoop.

Order your posters, flyers, poo bags, capes and badges FREE OF CHARGE [copy email / also see: here - jp]

Find out more about The Big Scoop


There’s no such thing as the Dog Poo Fairy

Keep Britain Tidy research shows that dog fouling is a major concern to members of the public. There also appears to be a bigger problem that has arisen in that increasing amounts of bagged dog faeces are being left behind as people fail to dispose of their bags after cleaning up after their pets. Research has also found that 70% of local authorities have some sort of problem within their area.

To tackle this problem, Keep Britain Tidy has launched a national dog fouling campaign to encourage irresponsible dog owners to clean up after their pets.

The campaign features eye-catching creative of a ‘dog poo fairy’ and the message ‘There’s no such thing as the Dog Poo Fairy’, and is displayed on bus stops, billboards and phone boxes across England.

The media focus is based around a case study on a toddler, Aimee, who hit news headlines after falling in dog poo and losing partial sight in her eye after suffering with toxocariasis. This media angle contains a strong worming aspect and highlights how important it is for dog owners to worm their dog so that the risk of toxocariasis is diminished.

Importantly, the campaign has gained the support of more than 85 local authorities in England who will be promoting dog waste bags, sponsored by Dicky Bags, as a positive solution. Find out more about dog waste solutions.

As a reward to all responsible dog owners, the Dog Poo Fairy can help to turn well-cared-for pooches into the superstar they deserve to be! Make your pet the next pop sensation.

Order your free campaign posters and bin stickers

Or to find out more about the campaign or any other Keep Britain Tidy campaigns, please email or call 01942 612621.

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