


"Maiden Bradley, the home of the Duke of Somerset, is a South Wiltshire village on the Somerset border. The B3092 road that joins Frome to Mere runs through the middle of the village." - Wiltshire Council History

The numbering zones for roads in Great Britain

B roads are numbered routes in Great Britain of lesser importance than A roads. See the article Great Britain road numbering scheme for the rationale behind the numbers allocated. - Wikipedia / The B3092 is listed in zone 3 (green) - jp

The B3092 road is a minor, B road running through Dorset, Wiltshire and Somerset for approximately 30 miles.

For much of its length it is in the Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Working from south to north, it "begins" at its junction with the A357 near Sturminster Newton. It continues through Marnhull, Gillingham and Maiden Bradley to its "end" just north of Frome at its junction with the A361. It also crosses (again south to north) the River Stour, the A30, the main Exeter to London railway line, the A303, the River Frome and the A362. At its highest point near Maiden Bradley the road reaches 205 metres above sea level; at its lowest (near Sturminster) just 54 metres.Traffic Use: Following representations from residents concerned at HGV traffic, one local authority - Wiltshire County Council - conducted research into traffic volume, Trivia: b3092 is also a benign form of Escherichia coli

Starting from a 'give way' junction with the B3090 in Frome the B3092 is one of the longer 'B' roads in this part of the country.

After leaving Frome the road goes in a generally southerly direction and crosses the A361 Frome Bypass at a roundabout before climbing into Wiltshire. Longleat is on the far side of the woods on the left. The road goes through Maiden Bradley. It then skirts the Long Knoll, a ridge in the vicinity, and follows the hills to Stourton.

Originally the B3092 headed south from Stourton to Zeals where there was a short multiplex with the B3090 (later A303) before the road continued on to Milton on Stour. Now, however, the B3092 heads southeast to cross the A303 via a GSJ and goes into Mere.

Just before the village it performs a TOTSO where the B3095 heads straight on and continues South. It now descends into Dorset and Milton on Stour. From there it follows the valley of the Sheen Water to Gillingham. The B3092 multiplexes with the B3081 through the town and over the River Stour.

Regaining its number on the south side of the railway line, the B3092 then passes over Hunger Hill to the village of East Stour where it crosses the A30. It then follows the Flood Plain of the River Stour to Todber. There it leaves the plain for a time and goes over the hills to Marnhull, Hinton St Mary and Sturminster Newton.

It goes through the town where it meets the B3091. Originally it ended here in the Market Place but it was extended over the ex-B3091 in 1935 as priority was given to the road carrying more traffic. It therefore continues south and over the River Stour bridge. There it ends at at the A357 at 'give way' signs.