Calling all village walkers!

Strolling around our historic village, and environs, I cannot help but notice an increase in roadside litter. Presumably tossed from passing cars (and the odd escapees from insecure dustbins).

What to do?

Well, as I wander about scenic Maiden Bradley, to take the air and record the seasons, as they turn, with my pocket Kodak and haiku pencil, I carry a small plastic bag in pocket. For some micro rubbish collecting. Sorted.

Maybe this idea is worth considering when YOU are out and about. Of course the careless rubbish pops up again - so we really do need to keep up the good work.

Many of us already do monitor the area around our houses, which is easy and quite effective.I assume that our (apparently myriad) dog walker friends carry a doggie poo poo kit, of course – for use, especially, on paved surfaces.

[A small, related, observation. Who services the village notice boards? These could all definitely benefit from a regular service. Outdated information removed. Empty spaces filled with something useful. Quick clean of glass. Trim any undergrowth. A lick of paint or creosote, on occasion.]

These are all simple acts, easily done, no sweat, which can go a long way to keeping our lovely village, as the big wheel turns, looking spick and span.


Who knows, taking some personal responsibility, vis-à-vis rogue litter, may even tip the scales in our favour, as we queue (perhaps nervously) at them Pearly Gates!


Item by John Potts, Church Street

25 February 2010