

'Too posh to pick up poo': Furious locals stick up sarcastic posters after getting fed up with lazy dog-walkers

  • Community gather together to target dog owners not cleaning pet mess

  • Printed signs mocking the guilty parties which they attached to fences

  • They claim those responsible in Harwood are 'too posh to pick up poo'

  • Second sign tells them the 'poo fairy' doesn't live locally, as council urged to do more to prevent mess

By Euan McLelland For MailOnline

Published: 13:21, 27 June 2015 | Updated: 13:21, 27 June 2015

Furious locals have stuck up posters branding villagers 'too posh to pick up poo' - after becoming fed-up with dog-walkers ruining their leafy suburb.

A second poster sarcastically points out that the 'the poo fairy doesn't live here' in the quiet village of Harwood, near Bolton, Greater Manchester.

The mystery residents who posted the signs placed them near Harwood Meadows Primary School, pointing out the path for the youngsters is always littered with doggie waste.

Both signs urge locals to 'please clean up after your pet', with one adding: 'Scoop your poop!'


Residents living in Harwood and Bradshaw have taken it upon themselves to make dog-walkers clean up after their pets

Now the signs have become an Internet hit after they were first posted on the local area's Facebook site - The Harwood and Bradshaw Village Noticeboard.

But the more keen-eyed residents were quick to point out a glaring spelling mistake - as the first poster actually reads: 'To posh to pick up poo', instead of 'Too posh.'

Melanie Berry highlighted the spelling blunder by writing: 'Shame about the grammatical error!'

Nevertheless the anti-poo sentiments have been welcomed.

Elaine Michelle Smith - who posted the pictures onto Facebook in the first place said she spotted them on Thursday.

She wrote: 'Love the new signs posted on the alleyway near Harwood meadows school that someone's put up - let's hope people take notice.'

Brad Latham-Holt added: 'Haha brilliant, it is like a minefield along that path - minging.'

Grammar fan Pauline Bateson astutely commented: 'If they are ignorant enough to let their pooches poo, they won't know the difference between too and to.'

Dog owner Joanne Davies blasted: 'I've only had my dog for 12 months and always pick up but I can't believe how lazy some dog owners are.


One of the signs mocks the pet owners by saying: 'The Poo fairy doesn't live here...Scoop your Poop'

'It's not difficult to pick it up & carry it home. Unfortunately this is not just a problem in Bolton.

'It does seem to be cleaner in areas that have more bins so come on Bolton Council give us a bit of support.'

Anna Carlin chimed in: 'They should put these up for horse poo too. Ridiculous how much poo is over the streets.'

But poster Ms Smith pointed out: 'At least you can put that on your roses!'

Jackie Greenhalgh added: 'Thank god! It's disgusting in the morning.'

Last January cash-strapped Bolton Council revealed their dog mess bins were actualy being 'phased out' - instead urging owners to used regular litter bins, or take the mess home.

Joanna Davis communicated her frustration at what she branded 'lazy' dog walkers on Facebook

Joanna Davis communicated her frustration at what she branded 'lazy' dog walkers on Facebook

Local woman Lyndsey Leatherbarrow said the onus was now on the council to take more action

Local woman Lyndsey Leatherbarrow said the onus was now on the council to take more action

Facebook user Niomi Stanley has admitted that she goes as far as taking a different route just to avoid the excessive dog mess

Facebook user Niomi Stanley has admitted that she goes as far as taking a different route just to avoid the excessive dog mess

Council chiefs said budget restrictions mean they are currently unable to install new litter bins or dog waste bins.

Yet at the same time it was revealed incidents of fly-tipping went up by 40 per cent last year, with 4,000 reports across Bolton.

The council said it has been phasing out dog waste bins for the past five years - with the authority describing the cost of maintenance of the bins and disposal of the waste as 'prohibitive'.

Waste collected in dog bins is classed as clinical waste and must be disposed of by incineration.

Just because there is not a bin near you does not mean you should drop it on the floor. There is no excuse for that - either take it home or find another bin.

Councillor Nick Peel

The council's cabinet member for the environment, Cllr Nick Peel said that while there was no 'dedicated budget' for new litter bins.

Cllr Peel said: 'Just because there is not a bin near you does not mean you should drop it on the floor.

'There is no excuse for that - either take it home or find another bin.

'When people are putting dog waste in the litter bins it should obviously be properly bagged and if the bin is too full then people should find another one or take it to their bin at home.'

A spokesman for Bolton Council said: 'Due to budget restrictions, we are unable to install both new litter bins and new dog waste bins at the current time.

'With regards to dog waste bins, we have been phasing these out over the past five years.

'Instead we encourage the public and dog walkers to put their dog waste into any litter bin and it will be collected along with the rest of the litter.

'If a resident does have a particular issue with dog waste in their area, we would advise them to contact the contact centre and our Education and Enforcement team will be in touch to discuss the issue.'

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chasdavy, ilford, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago

They are not posh or lazy.They are just ignorant,inconsiderate, and irresponsible. If you happen to know who the owner is ,pick up the poo, pop it in their letter box with a note stating : something your dog dropped.



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phil28melton, Melton Mowbray, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago

Yep my kind of blog



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JohnakaJJ, Farnborough, 13 hours ago

A ÂŁ500 fine would probably focus their minds.



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Cobblecat, Emerald City, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago

I actually DID post some dog crap through the letter box, after the dog owner deliberately dropped the bag in the street rather than take it home. I hope they got the message.



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Linda Vinton, Houghton Regis, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago

Can I return all the cat crap thats left in my garden to its owner too?



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chris, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago

Very heavy fines should do it. Also a picture of the offender posted up.



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Benjy1992, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago

A PICTURE of the offender? Calm down Stalin it's just a bit of poo.



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OstrogothRome, Newport, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago

Calm down Benjy1982 it's only a child gone blind because of toxicara canis.



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Sam Thomas, Exmouth, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago

Benjy1992 - I'm guessing that's your year of birth - my guess based on your ignorance as well.



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greatscot, bristol, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

If you were to total all the dog poo created in this country in a year it would be thousands of tons of distributed all over the place. There are far, far too many dogs and cats in this country for our own safety...!!!



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Confused1, East Sussex, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago

There is no excuse whatsoever for leaving festering dog poo and not picking it up. How many poor little children playing in local parks have ended up covered in dog poo. When my children were at school one of them came home with her shoes covered in dog poo after playing in the school field, I mentioned this to the headmistress, who told me at least two other children got poo all over their uniforms and the school had to clean them up. If you can't clean up after your dogs you should not have them in the first place.



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Geo, London, 16 hours ago

I too had mentioned this in school and the council. However, it looks like council tackled it. I cannot see any dog poo on the footpath now. A city us not a place for pets. Those who want pets go to rural area to live. You have to sacrifice certain things to have a city life for its own sake



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James, Kent, 14 hours ago

I have two dogs and the amount of poo we see on walks, it makes me want to heave. People who don't clean up after their dogs are probably the same people who don't care about vaccination on health. Dog poo can be so dangerous and cause blindness in Humans. I know of a lady who is blind in one eye after being infected from a childhood pet dog.



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JustinIdea, Moscow, Russia, 13 hours ago

I love how many times you mentioned the word 'poo' in your comment! It really set the scene! ;-@



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MG Worcester., Worcester, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago

Pick it up ( in a bag ) follow them home and tip it through their letter box ( retaining your bag ) I have done this a few times. I had one bloke come out of his house telling me what I had done was dangerous,because he had young kids.Selfish sod,that didn't go down well either when I told him.



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nena, London, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago

Hahaha I wish I'd had the balls to do this!!



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eonuk, manchester, 8 hours ago

All fun until someone gets killed. Then it's on YOUR head.



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Dazza-expat-France, Arles, France, 15 hours ago

One morning a couple of weeks back i watched one of the locals here walk past my garage door and smile when his dog left a big mess in front of it so i scooped it up and went around and placed it on his doorstep. That afternoon he come around very apologetic with a bottle of red wine and explained he didn't pick it up because he was running late for work. All smiles i told him he was lucky i didn't post it through his letterbox but the next time i will. Now when he walks past the house he keeps his dog on a lead and keeps him away from the front of my house as he knows i wasn't joking. Nice wine though



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Albert, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 13 hours ago

Are you absolutely certain it was wine?



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Dazza-expat-France, Arles, France, 11 hours ago

Don't worry it was sealed lol



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The-Commentator, Testing-my-standup-routine, United Kingdom, 7 hours ago

Wine seals from Boots?



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Mowdiwarp, Huddersfield, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago

We have the same problem here. Sloppy, uncaring dog owners who turn out very early morning with their mutts before they go to work and let them foul the footpaths and grass before they leave their mutts locked up all day to annoy their neighbours. Some people are too dirty and sloppy to look after themselves never mind an animal.



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LK UK US, Kettering, United States, 16 hours ago

The way to help that is, go out early too with EXTRA poo bags. When you see them walk away from it, smile sweetly and hand them a bag as if you're doing them a favour. It usually works.



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outraged tarquin, norfolk, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago

The penalty for not picking up should be that the dog owner has to eat it. Problem solved.



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minnie11, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago

Loulou what about police dogs, drug sniffer dogs & guide dogs... What do cats do exactly ???



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Maz, Louth, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago

minnie11 - don't know about the dogs, but the cats all seem to think my garden is their own personal toilet.



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Corinna, London, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago

To be fair to cat owners, you can't pick up after a cat like you can with a dog. And cats tend to bury it don't they?



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HPL2007, London, United Kingdom, moments ago

I would pick up after my cat if I could follow it around to people's gardens.



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Liverpool2014, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago

If you want to own dogs, clean up after them!!!



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dixonmg, Northfleet, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago

The spelling mistake hardly detracts from the sentiment: if you have a dog then it is your duty to pick up after the animal. I am the owner of five dogs and always behave responsibly: it is especially galling , then, when I tread in dog faeces left by someone who is too lazy to pick up.



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LookinIn, Somerset, 16 hours ago

Brilliant posters, where can I get some for my local area? I always pick up after my dog, but I cannot believe some dog owners, I have even seen dog faeces next to a bin. They are inconsiderate and if caught should get a warning, second time, confiscate the dog and give it to someone who will take care of it



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Darth Vader, Death Star, 12 hours ago

Surely you can make your own posters??