Litter update. . .

A litter hunt was conducted along Back Lane (Perry Farm start) and Kingston Lane (turning back into village at Bradley House entrance). There was so much litter that it had to be finished off another day! In all two large bags were filled (to bursting point).

The litter comprised the usual suspects (along with some novelty items). Here is a sample range :

‘Crisp packets, coffee cups, sandwich cases, a postcard, several invoices and other chits, sweetie and candy bar wrappers (galore,) drink cans, bottles and tops, large unidentified piece of tubular mechanism, two filled dog poo-poo bags! Umpteen pieces of black bedding plastic and similar, some carrier bags, commercial ice cube sack, smashed pint glass..’ (No wallets, purses or ancient artifacts were found.)

Once this was done it was easy to pick up the odd items of careless human debris on subsequent walks along the test area. Church Street and High Street will receive our attention next..

The busy B3092, in and out of the village, is quite badly in need of some work, as is the road to Longbridge Deverill (Longbridge Lane?) past Perry Farm at the end of High Street. Kingston Lane (heading for Kingston Deverill, beyond Bradley House entrance,) seems not so bad at present. Similarly, through The Rank, Bruton Road (named Bradley Lane on the OS small scale map and, to thicken the plot, Bruton Road was once called Horsefair Road - as long-term resident Marilyn interestingly informs us).

It would be most helpful if we all ensure that the area around our homes (including pavement and/or road) is kept litter free. Also, please ensure the security of house garbage - especially during stormy weather. Of course the main problem is litter discarded by thoughtless people in fast vehicles, and this problem is NOT going to go away any time soon. So, we all need to do our bit.

As well as ensuring areas around our houses are monitored, the many walkers in our midst can be most helpful regarding litter picking. Also, perhaps some of out local interest groups would like to organise collective litter blitzes from time to time (start with the B3092, up to maybe half a mile or so out of the village at both ends)?

Living in lovely (and historic) Maiden Bradley is a blessing - let's all try to ensure that our scenic village is free of ALL unsightly litter.

Litter Collectors Motto: "EVERY LITTER BIT HELPS!"


Item by John Potts

Tweaked : 06 April 2010


Saturday 17th March, 2012: Litter picking equipment and an organised collection and removal started up. Thanks go to Kim Piwowarski for organising my initiative at the community level. "The Parish Council was pleased to hear that the Parish had come third in the judging for the South Wiltshire Medium Village category." The litter picking being mentioned as a contributing factor.



A concerned resident of scenic Maiden Bradley suggested a rather good idea. . .

Kim (village shop storm trooper - along with Ann and the gang) said, to this intrepid litter picker (who was buying some half-price tomatoes): "John, why don't you organise a LITTER DAY?!" I replied (somewhat startled,) "Great idea, Kim, why don't you?" Kim immediately began wriggling out of this. "Oh, I'm no good at that sort of thing!" To which I (seconding the emotion privately) replied, "Yes, but, for this collective LITTER DAY proposal you’re more connected in the village than I am?" Kim (still wriggling and selling me the job): "There would be a lot of interest!" Just then an innocent bystander strolled into the shop whom Kim immediately (spinning on her heel) collared. "You'd support a LITTER DAY, wouldn't you?!" "Yep," said this supporter of our local (award winning) shop - looking at me straight between the eyes. (Must be a female tribal thing.) "Ok," I said to Kim (when her spontaneous confederate had whizzed off – with, it must be said, an excellent batch of quality village shop purchases), "why not put it on the back burner and, as the LITTER DAY idea grows, keep me updated. Maybe we could make an event of it, you know, tea afterwards, or something." "Ok, I'll do that," Kim chirped (still sensing she was on the hook a bit, but breathing more easily).

"Look," I offered (feeling a tad guilty), "if necessary, I could apply executive action to your LITTER DAY idea, it's just that you know everyone is all," (Kim's vibes registered relief). I boldly continued, "If I do do it I'll put, 'from an idea by Kim' on the bottom, then."

Kim laughed (thinking, no doubt, that she had escaped taking charge of her LITTER DAY).

More LITTER DAY news as it breaks...


Item by John Potts

(based on an idea by Kim)

30 April, 2010

Parish News, August 2010

Parish Council 13th July 2010: Equipment Loan Scheme for Waste and Litter Collection in the Parish. Council discussed the letter received from Wiltshire Council offering to loan the equipment to litter pick. Council instructed the Clerk to contact the parishioner who had shown a particular interest in this matter [John Potts] to see if he would consider taking the lead of a yearly litter pick around the Parish. If agreed the Clerk would request the equipment.

On my local rambles, by the way, one picks up litter daily; come rain, hail, or shine - all seasons (recommended). Anyway, Parish Clerk telephoned me with an offer to coordinate all this; but (as we have seen), the die was cast. Good ol' Kim was roped in, and. . .



