
A few words to remind us of little Anne Sercombe who for many years had her industrious fingers in many pies as a bustling hive of industry in our community. First, mainly helping to run Perry Farm (now NFU Mutual Branch), but then...gradually...much of the village! With her parish church work, chairing the village hall committee, and (of course) managing our award winning village shop*. Anne left Maiden Bradley with her husband Richard to return home to their family roots in Leicestershire in March this year. As it happened, wandering along Church Street I saw Anne and Richard driving off 'up North' in the Frome direction. The road became empty as we waved each other goodbye. What a strange coincidence of timing. Afterwards the thought came: "End of an era." And, you know something everyone; so it was. . .

Here's some snippets from Maiden Bradley Parish News, March 2013

Vicar’s Letter

We have been sad to say our goodbyes to Anne Sercombe recently. She served on the church council for over 20 years always willing to serve her community and church. We shall all certainly miss her. Every blessing as you go to pastures new Anne.

< Revd Carol

Family News

Anne and Richard Sercombe are returning to their home county of Leicestershire early in the month. Farewells have already been said to them by all the organisations with which they have been involved. Our best wishes go to all of them.

Meg Oliver

From Anne and Richard Sercombe

On our departure to Leicestershire to join our family, Richard and I could not leave our adopted village of 27 years without saying a fond farewell and thank you for our acceptance into this friendly community all those years ago. We have enjoyed our time here making many friends and it is with great sadness we leave our “Maiden Bradley” life behind.

We shall be coming back to visit and have been deeply touched but cannot possibly sleep in all the beds offered. We should be very pleased to have visitors to our new home in Wartnaby, near Melton Mowbray at any time. So, goodbye to everyone; we wish you all the best for the future.

Anne is shown with flowers presented to her by members

of the P.C.C., on which she served for around 20 years >

God bless in your new life, Anne and Richard - jp

*Anne retired as the shop's General Manager in September, 2012 (Kay Mayne moved from Strategic Manager and took over as Anne's replacement - to date).
