Table Rules

Bring your own supplies.

Sure, sometimes we forget stuff, but please make an effort to be self-sufficient at the table.

Come with your game face on.

This means don't be drunk, high, burnt out, completely hung over, running on 2 hours of sleep in the last 72 hours, or whatever.

Don't be a dick.

We're all friends here.

Don't argue about the rules.

Save it for the internet. We can flip a coin and discuss it after the game session.

Be on time, and let us know you can't make it.

We do a weekly check-in on Thursday by email, a simple Yea or Nay suffices to let us know if you can make it or not.

Don't come if you're sick.

Nobody wants whatever it is you have. Just shoot us an email and say "Yo, dude, I'm sick".

If you don't like it, quit.

If you're not enjoying the game, then tell us and maybe we can work something out. Either way, don't sit there passive-aggressively hating everything.