
Committee Logo of Earth

Geoscience Information Society

Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks Committee

Continuing Guidebook Series

from Societies & Associations


Continuing Guidebook Series from Societies & Associations

Below are continuing series of geology field trip guidebooks produced by societies and associations, also with links to publications pages when available. If a publication page is not available, an attempt was made to provide a link to the society page where information may sometimes be found about past and future field trips, along with contact information. In some cases, an association or society is only loosely organized, and there is no home web page. In those cases, a browser search can sometimes yield good results, including links to full text guidebooks online.

Society web pages URLs change frequently; please report dead links. Also, please report continuing series produced by societies and organizations, and they will be added to this list.

Links to publication pages of the USA state surveys can be found at : Lists of guidebooks produced by other groups such as college clubs and academies of science will be added later. For a list of series covered by the Guidebooks Database (GGNAD), go to this Link.

Links to publication pages of the USA state surveys can be found at

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Created 4/18/2011 by Lura Joseph

Revised 20 Jan 2016