
Library Resources for EIRE 2012 FIELD COURSE

Geology 415/515, University of Illinois - The Geology of County Clare, Western Eire: Sedimentology, Paleoecology and Evolution of a Sedimentary Basin

Faculty: Jim Best (Departments of Geology and Geography, University of Illinois)

In 2012, the Geology 415 Field Geology course will center around a 2-week field excursion to County Clare, Western Ireland, in May 2012, with the course being founded on lectures given during the Spring semester. Compass Logon


    • Week 1 (beginning Jan. 16th): No class
    • Week 2 (beginning Jan. 23rd) Introduction: Location, aims, background, geography, history, and structure of the course. Assessments: Types and deadlines. Logistics and group work. Structure of the course. Lecture: The Carboniferous period. References for Weeks 2-4.
    • Week 3 (beginning Jan. 30th): Basin evolution in NW Europe in the Carboniferous; past legacies and plate tectonics. Links to North American geology and global controls on sedimentation. References for Weeks 2-4.
    • Week 4 (beginning Feb. 6th): Basin formation and tectonics in western Ireland: Setting the scene for basin infill. Basin opening, closure and tectonics. Mineralization and hydrocarbons. References for Weeks 2-4.
    • Week 5 (beginning Feb. 13th): The sedimentary history of the Western Irish Carboniferous basin; nomenclature, paleontology and zoning. Sources of sediment and basin paleogeographic reconstructions. Models for basin fill. References for Week 5.
    • Week 6 (beginning Feb. 20th): Sedimentology: A refresher on rivers and deltas; basinal shales, turbidites and deep-sea sediments. References for Week 6.
    • Week 7 (beginning Feb. 27th): No class. Seminar research.
    • Week 8 (beginning March 5th): No class. Seminar research.
    • Week 9 (beginning March 12th): Sedimentology: A refresher on Carboniferous seafloor communities, paleoecology and trace fossils; sequence stratigraphy and controls on sedimentation. Allo cyclic and autocyclic controls. References for Week 9.
  • Spring Break
    • Week 10 (beginning March 26th): Reservoir geology: Heterogeneities, scales and outcrop analogues. Uses of analogues and methods of approach. References for Week 10.
    • Week 11 (beginning April 2nd): No class
    • Week 12 (beginning April 9th): Group Seminars
    • Week 13 (beginning April 16th): Group Seminars
    • Week 14 (beginning April 23rd): Group Seminars
    • Week 15 (begining April 30th): Logistics: Travel dates, times, field work aims and field safety.
  • Cumulative Selected Bibliography
  • Other Useful Background References
  • Web Sites

References for Weeks 2-4: Tectonic Setting, Basin Formation and Sea-Level Controls

Cope, J.C.W., Ingham, J.K., and Rawson, P.F., 1992, Atlas of Palaeogeography and Lithofacies: Geological Society of London Memoir 13, 153 p. [Call Number: Q. 550 G294m no.13] [Online] [doi link] [UIUC Link]

Crowley, T.J and Baum, S.K., 1991, Estimating Carboniferous sea-level fluctuations from Gondwanan ice extent: Geology, v. 19, n. 10, p. 975-977. [Online] [UIUC Link]

Gonzalez-Bonorino, G. and Eyles, N., 1995, Inverse relation between ice extent and the late Paleozoic glacial record of Gondwana: Geology, v. 23, n. 11, p. 1015-1018. [ Online] [UIUC Link]

** Maynard, J.R., Hofmann, W., Dunay, R.E., Bentham, P.N., Dean, K.P. and Watson, I., 1997, The Carboniferous of Western Europe: the development of a petroleum system: Petroleum Geoscience, v. 3, p. 97-115. [Online] [UIUC Link]

Mii, H-S., Grossman, E.L. and Yancey, T.E., 1999, Carboniferous isotope stratigraphies of North America: Implications for Carboniferous paleoceanography and Mississippian glaciation, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 111, n. 7, p. 960–973. [Online] [UIUC Link]

Smith, A.G. & Pickering, K.T., 2003, Oceanic gateways as a critical factor to initiate icehouse Earth: Journal of the Geological Society, London, v. 160, p. 337-340. [Online] [UIUC Link]

Torsvik, T.H. and Cocks, R.M., 2004, Earth geography from 400 to 250 Ma: a palaeomagnetic, faunal and facies review, Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 161, 2004, pp. 555–572. [Online] [UIUC Link]

Woodcock, N. and Strachan, R., 2000, Geological History of Britain and Ireland: Oxford, UK, Blackwells, 423 p. [Call Number 554.1 G292] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Ziegler, P.A., 1990, Geological Atlas of Western and Central Europe, 2nd ed.: The Hague, Shell Internationale Petroleum Maatschappij, 239 p. [Call Number: 554 Z34G] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

References for Week 5: The Sedimentary History of the Western Irish Carboniferous Basin

Collinson, J.D., Martinsen, O., Bakken, B., and Kloster, A., 1991, Early fill of the western Irish Namurian Basin: A complex relationship between turbidites and deltas: Basin Research, v. 3, no. 4, p. 223-242. [Q. 551.35305 BA] [Online] [UIUC Link]

Davies, S.J. and Elliott, T., 1996, Spectral gamma ray characterization of high resolution sequence stratigraphy: Examples from upper Carboniferous fluvio-deltaic systems, County Clare, Ireland, in Howell, J.A., and Aitken, J.F., eds., High resolution sequence stratigraphy: Innovations and applications: Geological Society of London Special Publication 104, p. 25-35. [Call Number 550 G294s no.104] [Online] [doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.1996.104.01.03 ] [UIUC Link]

Martinsen, O.J., and Collinson, J.D., 2002, The Western Irish Namurian Basin reassessed; A discussion: Basin Research, v. 14, n. 4, p. 523–542. [DOI Link to article] [UIUC Link]

Posamentier, H.W., and Walker, R.G., eds., 2006, Facies models revisited: SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Special Publication 84, CD-ROM. (Chapers by Bridge, Bhattacharya, Clifton, and Boyd et al.) [Call Number: 560 SO1S no.84] [Online]

Pulham, A.J., 1989, Controls on internal structure and architecture of sandstone bodies within Upper Carboniferous fluvial-dominated deltas, County Clare, western Ireland, in Whateley, M.K.G., and Pickering, K.T., eds., Deltas: Sites and traps for fossil fuels: Geological Society of London Special Publication 41, p. 179-203. [Online] [UIUC Link]

Wignall, P. B., and Best, J.L., 2000, The western Irish Namurian Basin reassessed: Basin Research, v. 12, n. 1, p. 59-78, [DOI Link to article] [UIUC Link]

Wignall, P.B., and Best, J.L., 2002, Reply to comment on ‘The Western Irish Namurian basin reassessed’ by O.J. Martinsen and J.D. Collinson: Basin Research, v. 14, n. 4, p. 531–542. [ http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/pdf/10.1046/j.1365-2117.2002.00191.x] [ DOI Link to article] [See p.531ff] [UIUC Link]

Williams, H., and Soek, H.F., 1993. Predicting reservoir sandbody orientation from dipmeter data; The use of sedimentary dip profiles from outcrop studies, in Flint, S.S., and Bryant, I.D., eds., The geological modelling of hydrocarbon reservoirs and outcrop analogues: Special Publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists, v. 15, p. 143-156. [Call Number553.28011 G292] [ E-Reserves]

The Clare Basin Upper Carboniferous Deepwater Sediments - USC

References for Week 6: Sedimentology; A Refresher on Rivers and Deltas, Basinal Shales, Turbidites and Deep-Sea Sediments

Reading, H.G., 1996, Sedimentary environments; Processes, facies, and stratigraphy, 3rd ed.: Cambridge, Mass., Blackwell Science, 688 p. [Call Number: 551.7 SE281996; [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Stow, D.A.V., and Mayall, M., 2000, Deep-water sedimentary systems: New models for the 21st century: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 17, n. 2, p. 125-135. [ Online] [UIUC Link]

Stow, D.A.V., Hue. A.-Y. and Betrand, P., 2001, Depositional processes of black shales in deep water: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 18, n. 4, p.491-498. [ Online] [UIUC Link]

Week 7: No Class (Seminar Research)

Week 8: No Class (Seminar Research)

References for Week 9: Sedimentology; A Refresher on Carboniferous Seafloor Communities, Paleoecology and Trace Fossils; Sequence Stratigraphy

Brenchley, P.J., and Harper, D.A.T., 1998, Palaeoecology; Ecosystems, environments and evolution: London; New York, Chapman & Hall, 402 p. [Call Number 560.45 B75p][Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Catuneanu, O., 2002, Sequence stratigraphy of clastic systems; Concepts, merits, and pitfalls: Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 35, n.1, p. 1-43. [Online] [UIUC Link]

Davies, S.J. and Elliott, T., 1996, Spectral gamma ray characterization of high resolution sequence stratigraphy; Examples from upper Carboniferous fluvio-deltaic systems, County Clare, Ireland, in Howell, J.A., and Aitken, J.F., eds., High resolution sequence stratigraphy: Innovations and applications: Geological Society of London Special Publication 104, p. 25-35. [Call Number 550 G294s no.104] [Online] [UIUC Link]

Kendall, C., USC Sequence Stratigraphy Web

Tucker, M.E., and Wright, V.P., 1990, Caronate sedimentology: Oxford; Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 482 p. [Call Number 552.58 T797c] [Online]


References for Week 10: Reservoir Geology

Week 11: No Class

Week 12: Group Seminars (see seminar page)

Week 13: Group Seminars (see seminar page)

Cumulative Selected Bibliography

Brenchley, P.J., and Harper, D.A.T., 1998, Palaeoecology; Ecosystems, environments and evolution: London; New York, Chapman & Hall, 402 p. [Call Number 560.45 B75p] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Catuneanu, O., 2002, Sequence stratigraphy of clastic systems; Concepts, merits, and pitfalls: Journal of African Earth Sciences, v. 35, n.1, p. 1-43. [Online] [UIUC Link]

Chapin, M.A., Davies, P., Gibson, J.L. and Pettingill, H.S., 1994, Reservoir architecture of turbidite sheet sandstones in laterally extensive outcrops, Ross Formation, Western Ireland, in Paul Weimer, P., Bouma, A.H., and Perkins, B.F., eds., Submarine Fans and Turbidite Systems: Gulf Coast Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Foundation, 15th Annual Research Conference, Houston, Texas, December 4-7, 1994, p. 53-68. [Call Number 553.28 SO132S] [ E-Reserves]

Collinson, J.D., Martinsen, O., Bakken, B., and Kloster, A., 1991, Early fill of the western Irish Namurian Basin: A complex relationship between turbidites and deltas: Basin Research, v. 3, p. 223-242. [Call Number Q. 551.35305 BA] [Online] [UIUC Link]

Cope, J.C.W., Ingham, J.K., and Rawson, P.F., 1992, Atlas of Palaeogeography and Lithofacies: Geological Society of London Memoir 13, 153 p. [Call Number: Q. 550 G294m no.13] [Online] [UIUC Link]

Crowley, T.J and Baum, S.K., 1991, Estimating Carboniferous sea-level fluctuations from Gondwanan ice extent: Geology, v. 19, n. 10, p. 975-977. [Online] [UIUC Link]

Davies, S.J. and Elliott, T., 1996, Spectral gamma ray characterization of high resolution sequence stratigraphy: Examples from upper Carboniferous fluvio-deltaic systems, County Clare, Ireland, in Howell, J.A., and Aitken, J.F., eds., High resolution sequence stratigraphy: Innovations and applications: Geological Society of London Special Publication 104, p. 25-35. [Call Number 550 G294s no.104] [Online] [doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.1996.104.01.03 ] [UIUC Link]

Dennison, J.M., 1994, Tectonic and eustatic controls on sedimentary cycles: SEPM Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology 4, 264 p. [Call Number 551.8 T224] [Online]

Elliott, T., 2000, Depositional architecture of a sand-rich, channelized turbidite system: The Upper Carboniferous Ross Sandstone Formation, western Ireland, in Weimer, P., ed., Deep-water reservoirs of the world: Gulf Coast Section Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Foundation, 20th Annual Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, December 3-6, 2000, Houston, Texas, p. 342-373. [CDROM 622.3382 So13d] [ E-Reserves]

Elliott, T., 2000, Megaflute erosion surfaces and the initiation of turbidite channels: Geology (Boulder), v. 28, n. 2, p. 119-122, [Online]. [ DOI Link to article] [UIUC Link]

Gallagher, S.J., Macdermot, C.V., Somerville, I.D., Pracht, M., and Sleeman, A.G., 2006, Biostratigraphy, microfacies and depositional environments of Upper Visean limestones from the Burren region, County Clare, Ireland: Geological Journal, v. 41, n. 1., p. 61-91. [ Online]

Gill, W.D., 1979, Syndepositional sliding and slumping in the West Clare Namurian Basin, Ireland: Geological Survey of Ireland, Special Paper 4, 31 p. [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves] [Call Number 551.8094193 G41s]

Gill, W.D., and Kuenen, P.H., 1957, Sand volcanoes on slumps in the Carboniferous of County Clare, Ireland: Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 113, p. 441–460. [Call Number 550.6 GL] [Online]

Gonzalez-Bonorino, G. and Eyles, N., 1995, Inverse relation between ice extent and the late Paleozoic glacial record of Gondwana: Geology, v. 23, n. 11, p. 1015-1018. [ Online] [UIUC Link]

Hampson, G.J., Elliott, T., and Davies, S.J., 1997, The application of sequence stratigraphy to upper Carboniferous fluvio-deltaic strata of the onshore UK and Ireland; Implications for the southern North Sea: Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 154, n. 4, p. 719-733, http://jgs.lyellcollection.org/cgi/reprint/154/4/719. [ DOI Link to article]

Higgs, R., 2004, Ross and Bude formations (Carboniferous, Ireland and England); Reinterpreted as lake-shelf turbidites: Journal of Petroleum Geology, v. 27, n. 1, p. 47–66. [ Online]

Higgs, R. and Wells, M.R., Allison, P.A., Piggott, M.D., Pain, C.C., Hampson, G.J. and de Oliveira, C.R.E., 2006, Discussion and reply on large sea, small tides; The Late Carboniferous seaway of NW Europe: Journal of the Geological Society, v. 163, p. 893-895. [ Online]

Hills, L.V., Henderson, C.M., and Bamber, E.W., 2002, Carboniferous and Permian of the World; XIV ICCP Proceedings: Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, 947 p. [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves] [Call Number 553.282 C16m no. 19]

Kendall, C., USC Sequence Stratigraphy Web

Lien, T., Walker, R.G., and Collinson, J.D., 2003, Turbidites in the Upper Carboniferous Ross Formation, western Ireland; Reconstruction of a channel and spillover system: Sedimentology, v. 50, n. 1, p. 113-148. [ Online]

Martinsen, O.J., 1989, Styles of soft-sediment deformation on a Namurian (Carboniferous) delta-slope, Western Irish Namurian Basin, Ireland, in Whateley, M.K.G., and Pickering, K.T., eds., Deltas: Sites and traps for fossil fuels: Geological Society of London Special Publication 41, p. 167-177. [Call Number 550 G294s no.41] [Online]

Martinsen, O.J., and Bakken, B., 1990, Extensional and compressional zones in slumps and slides in the Namurian of County Clare, Ireland: Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 147, n. 1, p. 153-164. [Online]

Martinsen, O.J., and Collinson, J.D., 2002, The Western Irish Namurian Basin reassessed; A discussion: Basin Research, v. 14, n. 4, p. 523–542. [Online] [ DOI Link to article] [UIUC Link]

Martinsen, O.J., Lien, T., and Walker, R.G., 2000, Upper Carboniferous deep water sediments, western Ireland: Analogues for passive margin turbidite plays, in Weimer, P., ed., Deep-water reservoirs of the world: Gulf Coast Section Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Foundation, 20th annual Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, December 3-6, 2000, Houston, Texas, p. 533-555. [Call Number CDROM 622.3382 So13d] [ E-Reserves]

Martinsen, O.J., Lien, T., Walker, R.G., and Collinson, J.D., 2003, Facies and sequential organisation of a mudstone-dominated slope and basin floor succession; The Gull Island Formation, Shannon Basin, Western Ireland: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 20, n. 6-8, 789-807. [ Online]

** Maynard, J.R., Hofmann, W., Dunay, R.E., Bentham, P.N., Dean, K.P. and Watson, I., 1997, The Carboniferous of Western Europe: the development of a petroleum system: Petroleum Geoscience, v. 3, p. 97-115. [Online] [UIUC Link]

McClay, K., Dooley, T. and Zamora, G., 2003, Analogue models of delta systems above ductile substrates, in van Rensbergen, P., et al., eds., Subsurface Sediment Remobilisation: Geological Society of London Special Publication 216, p. 411-428. [Call Number: 550 G294s no.216] [Online]

Mii, H-S., Grossman, E.L. and Yancey, T.E., 1999, Carboniferous isotope stratigraphies of North America: Implications for Carboniferous paleoceanography and Mississippian glaciation, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 111, n. 7, p. 960–973. [Online] [UIUC Link]

Morley, C.K., 2003, Mobile shale related deformation in large deltas developed on passive and active margins, in van Rensbergen, P., et al., eds., Subsurface Sediment Remobilisation: Geological Society of London Special Publication 216, p. 335-357. [Call Number: 550 G294s no.216] [Online]

Olaru, C. and Bhattachraya, J.P., 2006, Terminal distributary channels and delta front architecture of river-dominated delta systems: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 76, n. 2., p. 212-233. [ Online]

Posamentier, H.W., and Kolla, V., 2003, Seismic Geomorphology and Stratigraphy of Depositional Elements in Deep-Water Settings: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 73, n. 3, p. 367–3 88. [ Online]

Posamentier, H.W., and Walker, R.G., eds., 2006, Facies models revisited: SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Special Publication 84, CD-ROM. [Call Number: 560 SO1S no.84] [Online]

Pulham, A.J., 1989, Controls on internal structure and architecture of sandstone bodies within Upper Carboniferous fluvial-dominated deltas, County Clare, western Ireland, in Whateley, M.K.G., and Pickering, K.T., eds., Deltas: Sites and traps for fossil fuels: Geological Society of London Special Publication 41, p. 179-203. [Call Number] [Online] [UIUC Link]

Pyles, D.R., 2007, Architectural elements in a ponded submarine fan, Carboniferous Ross sandstone, Western Ireland, inNilsen, T.H., Shew, R.D., Steffens, G.S., and Studlick, J.R.J., eds., Atlas of Deep-Water Outcrops: AAPG Studies in Geology 56, (CD-ROM), 19 p. [Call Number 550 ST9421 no.56 ][Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Reading, H.G., 1996, Sedimentary environments; Processes, facies, and stratigraphy, 3rd ed.: Cambridge, Mass., Blackwell Science, 688 p. [Call Number: 551.7 SE281996] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Sleeman, A.G., and Pracht, M., 1999, Geology of the Shannon Estuary: A geological description of the Shannon Estuary region including parts of Clare, Limerick and Kerry to accompany the bedrock geology 1:100,000 scale map series, sheet 17, Shannon Estuary: Dublin, Ireland, Geological Survey of Ireland, 77 p. [Call Number Q.551.551.4609417 S124g (book and map)] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Smith, A.G. & Pickering, K.T., 2003, Oceanic gateways as a critical factor to initiate icehouse Earth: Journal of the Geological Society, London, v. 160, p. 337-340. [Online][UIUC Link]

Stow, D.A.V., and Mayall, M., 2000, Deep-water sedimentary systems: New models for the 21st century: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 17, n. 2, p. 125-135. [ Online]

Stow, D.A.V., Hue. A.-Y. and Betrand, P., 2001, Depositional processes of black shales in deep water: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 18, n. 4, p.491-498. [ Online]

Strachan, L.J., 2002, Slump-initiated and controlled syndepositional sandstone remobilization; An example from the Namurian of County Clare, Ireland: Sedimentology, v. 49, n. 1, p. 25-41, [ Online ]

Strachan, L.J., and Alsop, G.I., 2006, Slump folds as estimators of palaeoslope; A case study from the Fisherstreet slump of County Clare, Ireland: Basin Research, v. 18, n. 4, p. 451-470. [ Online ] [ DOI Link to article]

Sullivan, M., Jensen, G., Goulding F., Jennette, D., Foreman, L., and Stern, D., 2000, Architectural analysis of deep-water outcrops; Implications for exploration and development of the Diana sub-basin, western Gulf of Mexico, in Weimer. P., ed., Deep-water reservoirs of the world: Houston, TX, Gulf Coast Section Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Foundation, 22 p. [Call Number CDROM 622.3382 So13d] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves ]

Torsvik, T.H. and Cocks, R.M., 2004, Earth geography from 400 to 250 Ma: a palaeomagnetic, faunal and facies review, Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 161, 2004, pp. 555–572. [Online] [UIUC Link]

Trappe, J., 1998, Phanerozoic phosphorite depositional systems: Springer Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 76, New York; Berlin, Springer, Chapters 7, 8 and 9. [Call Number: 553.64 T689p] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Tucker, M.E., and Wright, V.P., 1990, Caronate sedimentology: Oxford; Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 482 p. [Call Number 552.58 T797c] [Online]

Vanstone, S.D., 1998, Late Dinantian palaeokarst of England and Wales: implications for exposure surface development: Sedimentology, v. 45, n. 1, p. 19-37. [ Online]

Wells, M.R., Allison, P.A., Piggott, M.D., Pain, C.C., Hampson, G.J. and de Oliveira, C.R.E., 2005, Large sea, small tides; The Late Carboniferous seaway of NW Europe: Journal of the Geological Society, v. 162, p. 417-420. [ Online]

Wells, M.R., Allison, P.A., Piggott, M.D., Pain, C.C., Hampson, G.J. and de Oliveira, C.R.E., 2005, Modelling ancient tides: the Upper Carboniferous epi-continental seaway of Northwest Europe: Sedimentology, v. 52, p. 715-735. [ Online]

Wignall, P.B., 1991, Model for transgressive black shales?: Geology, v. 19, n. 2, p. 167-170. [ Online]

Wignall, P.B., 1994, Black Shales: Oxford, UK, Clarenden Press, Chapter 9.[Call Number: 553.283 W639B] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Wignall, P. B., and Best, J.L., 2000, The western Irish Namurian Basin reassessed: Basin Research, v. 12, n. 1, p. 59-78, [DOI Link ] [UIUC Link]

Wignall, P.B., and Best, J.L., 2002, Reply to comment on ‘The Western Irish Namurian basin reassessed’ by O.J. Martinsen and J.D. Collinson: Basin Research, v. 14, n. 4, p. 531–542. [ http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/pdf/10.1046/j.1365-2117.2002.00191.x] [ DOI Link to article] [See p.531ff]

Wignall, P.B., and Best, J.L., 2004, Sedimentology and kinematics of a large, retrogressive growth-fault system in upper Carboniferous deltaic sediments, western Ireland: Sedimentology, v. 51, n. 6, p. 1343-1358. [ Online ] [ DOI Link] [UIUC Link]

Williams, H., and Soek, H.F., 1993. Predicting reservoir sandbody orientation from dipmeter data; The use of sedimentary dip profiles from outcrop studies, in Flint, S.S., and Bryant, I.D., eds., The geological modelling of hydrocarbon reservoirs and outcrop analogues: Special Publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists, v. 15, p. 143-156. [Call Number 553.28011 G292] [ E-Reserves]

Woodcock, N. and Strachan, R., 2000, Geological History of Britain and Ireland: Oxford, UK, Blackwells, 423 p. [Call Number: 554.1 G292] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves ]

Ziegler, P.A., 1990, Geological Atlas of Western and Central Europe, 2nd ed.: The Hague, Shell Internationale Petroleum Maatschappij, 239 p. [Call Number: 554 Z34G] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Other Useful Background References

Allen, P.A., 1990, Basin analysis: Principles and Applications: Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 451 p. [Call Number 552.5 AL54B] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Andrew, C.J., Crowe, R.W.A., Finlay,S., Pennell, W.M., and Pyne, J.F., 1986, Geology and genesis of mineral deposits in Ireland: Dublin, Irish Association for Economic Geology, 711 p. [Call Number Q. 553.09415 G29] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Besly, B.M., and Kelling, G., eds., 1988, Sedimentation in a synorogenic basin complex; The upper Carboniferous of Northwest Europe: Chapman and Hall/ Blackie, New York/Glasgow and London, 276 p. [Call Number Q.551.7520948 Se28] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

British Geological Survey, 1996, 1:1 500 000 series: Tectonic map of Britain and Ireland and adjacent areas: British Geological Survey. [Call Number G5741.C551996 .B7] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Charlesworth, J. K., 1953, The geology of Ireland; An introduction: Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, 276 p. [Call Number 554.15 C38G] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Charlesworth, J. K., 1963, Historical geology of Ireland: Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, 565 p. [Call Number 554.15 C38H] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Cole, G.A.J., et al., 1924, Handbook of the geology of Ireland: London, T. Murby & Co., 82 p. [Call Number 554.15 C67H] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Croker, P.F., and Shannon, P.M., eds., 1995, Petroleum geology of Ireland's offshore basins: Geological Society [of London] Special Publication 93, 498 p. [Call Number 550 G294s no.93] [Online]

Davies, G. L. H., 1995, North from the Hook: 150 years of the Geological Survey of Ireland: Dublin, Geological Survey of Ireland, 342 p. [Call Number Q. 354.41700855 H434N] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Edwards, K.J. and Warren, W.P., eds., 1985, The Quaternary history of Ireland: London, Academic, 382 p. [Call Number 551.7909415 Q28] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Ferm, J.C., and Horne, J.C., 1979, Carboniferous depositional environments in the Appalachian region: Columbia, SC, Dept. of Geology, University of South Carolina, 760+ p. plus map [Call Number 560.1727 C177] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Gee, D.G., and Stephenson, R.A., 2006, European lithospere dynamics: Geological Society, London, Memoir 32, 662 p. [Call Number Q.550 G294m no. 32] [Online]

Gillmor, D., ed., 1989, The Irish countryside: Landscape, wildlife, history, people: Totowa, N.J., Barnes & Noble Books, 240 p. [ Map & Geography 941.5 IR48]

Harris, A.L., and Fettes, D.J., 1988, The Caledonian-Appalacian Orogen: Geological Society, London, Special Publication 38, 643 p. [Call Number 550 G294s no. 38] [Online]

Holland, C.H., ed., 2001, The geology of Ireland, new ed.: Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic, 531 p. [Call Number 554.15 G29232001] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Holland, C.H., 2003, The Irish landscape; A scenery to celebrate: Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic, 180 p. [Call Number 914.17 H719i]

Klein, G.D., ed., 1994, Pangea; Paleoclimate, tectonics, and sedimentation during accretion, zenith, and breakup of a supercontinent: Geological Sociey of America Special Paper 288, 295 p. [Call Number 550 G292s no. 288] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Kleinspehn, K., and Paola, C., eds., 1988, New perspectives in basin analysis: New York, Springer-Verlag, 453 p. [Call Number 551.3 N42] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

McCabe, M., 2008, Glacial geology and geomorphology; The landscapes of Ireland: Edinburgh, Scotland, Dunedin Academic Press Ltd., 274 p. [Call Number 551.3109415 M123g] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Miall, A.D., 1996, The geology of fluvial deposits: Sedimentary facies, basin analysis, and petroleum geology: New York; Berlin, Springer, 582 p. [Call Number 551.35 M58G] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Miall, A.D., 2000, Principles of sedimentary basin analysis, 3rd ed.: Berlin; New York: Springer, 616 p. [Call Number 551.3 M58p2000] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Naylor, D., 1982, Geology of offshore Ireland and west Britain: London, Graham & Trotman, 161 p. [Call Number Oak Street Facility 551.4611 N232G] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Ordnance Survey (Ireland), 1979, Geological map of Ireland: Based on the work of the Geological Survey, 3rd ed.: Dublin, Ordnance Survey, 1 map, Scale 1:750,000. [Call Number G5781.C51979 .I7] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Owen, T.R., 1976, The geological evolution of the British Isles (Pergamon International Library of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Social Studies Series), 1st ed.: Oxford; New York, Pergamon Press, 161 p. [Call Number 554.2 OW2G] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Potter, P.E., and Pettijohn, F.J., 1977, Paleocurrents and basin analysis, 2nd ed.: Berlin; New York, Springer, 425 p. [Call Number 551.35 P85P1977 (older ed. in Oak St.)] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Pracht, M., 2004, Geology of Galway Bay; A geological description to accompany the bedrock geology 1:100,000 map series, sheet 14, Galway Bay: Dublin, Geological Survey of Ireland, 76 p. [551.09415 P881g]

Shannon, P.M. Haughton, P.D.W., and Corcoran, D.V., eds., 2001, The petroleum exploration of Ireland’s offshore basins: Geological Society Special Publication 188. 473 p. [Call Number 550 G294s no.188] [Online]

Veeken, P.C.H., 2007, Seismic stratigraphy, basin analysis and reservoir characterisation (Handbook of geophysical exploration. Seismic exploration, v. 37): Amsterdam, Elsevier, 509 p. [Call Number 622.159 SE44 v.37] [Online]

Weimar, P., 2000, Deep-water reservoirs of the world: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Foundation; Gulf Coast Section CDROM [Call Number 622.3382 So13d] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Whittow, J.B., 1974, Geology and scenery in Ireland (Pelican geography and environmental studies series): Harmondsworth; Baltimore, Penguin, 301 p. [Main Stacks 551.409415 W61G] [Grainger Engineering Library Reserves]

Wilson, M., Neumann, E.-R., Davies, G.R., Timmerman, M.J., Heeremans, M., and Larsen, B.T., 2004, Permo-Carboniferous magmatism and rifting in Europe: Geological Society, London, Special Publication 223, 498 p. [Call Number 550 G294s n. 223] [Online]

Web Sites

The Clare Basin Upper Carboniferous Deepwater Sediments - USC

See also: http://strata.geol.sc.edu/MapSite and http://strata.geol.sc.edu/PDF-Files/DeepwaterSequStratigraphy

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