
Slim Buttes Field Trip - References

South Dakota Slim Buttes Field Trip


Selected General References

Fluvial Processes:

Note: Study sections on alluvial fans, fluvial deposits, and deltas. Know how the facies of a meandering system differ from those of a braided stream.

Boggs, Sam, Jr., 1995, Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, 2nd ed.: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall. (QE571 .B66 1995) Note: Chapter 3, Transport and Deposition of Siliciclastic Sediment; Part 3, Physical Properties of Sedimentary Rocks; Chapter 5, Bedding (p.108-131); Chapter 6, Siliciclastic Sedimentary Rocks; Chapter 9, Principles of Environmental Interpretation and Classification; Chapter 10, Continental Environments (p.299-318); Chapter 14, Lithostratigraphy.

Davis, R.A. Jr., 1992, Depositional systems: an introduction to sedimentology and stratigraphy, 2nd ed.: Englewood Cliffs, NJ., Prentice Hall. (QE581 .D39 1992) (Chapter 3, Sedimentary Structures, p.60-75; Chapter 7, The Fluvial System, p.204-237).

Prothero, D.R., and Schwab, F., 1996, Sedimentary geology: an introduction to sedimentary rocks and stratigraphy: New York, W.H. Greeman and Company. (QE571 .P77 1996) (Text used at NDSU) Especially note: Chapter 3, Clastic Transport and Fluid Flow (p.27-41); Chapter 4, Sedimentary Structures (p.43-65), Part II, Siliciclastic Sediments and Environments (p.67-167...especially Chapter 8 - Terrestrial Sedimentary Environments, p.137-157), Chapter 15, Lithostratigraphy (p.327-367), and Chapter 19, Sedimentary Rocks in Space and Time (p.459-496).

Walker, R.G., ed., 1986, Facies models, 2nd ed.: Toronto, Geological Association of Canada, 317 p. (QE651 .F3 1986) (sections on alluvial fans, fluvial deposits, and deltas)


Friedman, G.M., and Sanders, J.E., 1978, Principles of sedimentology: New York,Wiley, 792 p. (QE471 .F72)

Guy, H. P., 1970, Fluvial sediment concepts: Washington, DC, U.S.Geological Survey, 55 p. (DOCUMENT I 19.15/5:bk.3/chap.C 1)

Leopold, L.B., 1964, Fluvial processes in geomorphology: San Francisco, CA, W.H. Freeman, 522 p. (GB55 .L4)

Miall, A.D., 1996, The geology of fluvial deposits: sedimentary facies, basin analysis, and petroleum geology: New York, Springer, 582 p. (QE471.2 .M53 1996)

Ritter, D.F., Kochel, R.C., and Miller, J.R., 1995, Process Geomorphology, 3rd ed.: Chicago, Wm. C. Brown Publishers. (Geomorph. textbook used at NDSU).

Scholle, P.A., and Spearing, D., eds., 1982, Sandstone depositional environments: Tulsa, OK, AAPG, 410 p. (QE571 .S2 1982)

Tucker, M., ed., 1988, Techniques in sedimentology: Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 394 p.(QE471 .T37 1988)

Structural Geology

Concentrate on normal faults and folding. Pick one of these, or use the library catalog to find one.

Davis, G.H., and Reynolds, S.J., 1984, Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions: New York, John Wiley & Sons, 492 p. (QE601 .D3 1984) (Text used at NDSU) (Measuring structural orientations with a compass p.662-669; Preparing Geologic Cross Sections p.669-674; Stereographic Projection p.691-720; Methods in Joint Analysis p.720-730; Normal Faulting p.340-352).

Hobbs, B.E., Means, W.D., and Williams, P.F., 1976, An outline of structural geology: New York, Wiley, 571. p. (QE601 .H6)


Billings, M. P., 1972, Structural geology, 3rd ed.: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 606 p. (QE601 .B5 1972)

Dennis, J.G., 1972, Structural geology: New York, Ronald Press Co., 532 p. (QE601 .D38)

Ghosh, S.K., 1993, Structural geology: fundamentals and modern developments: New York, Pergamon Press, 598 p. (QE501 .G52 1993)

Hatcher, R.D., Jr., 1990, Structural geology; principles, concepts, and problems: Columbus, Merrill Pub. Co., p. 531. (QE601 .H35 1990)

Hills, E.S., 1972, Elements of structural geology, 2d ed.: New York, Wiley, 502 p. (QE601 .H48 1972)

Marshak, S., 1988, Basic methods of structural geology: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 446 p. (QE601 .M365 1988)

Park, R.G., 1983, Foundations of structural geology:. New York, Chapman and Hall, 135 p. (QE601 .P34 1983)

Twiss, R.J., and Moores, E.M., 1992, Structural geology: New York, W.H. Freeman, 532 p. (QE601 .T894 1992)

Field Methods

Barnes, J.W., 1981, Basic Geological Mapping; Geological Society of London Handbook: The Open University Press and Halsted Press, p.1-112.

Compton, R.R., 1962, Manual of field geology: New York, Wiley, 378 p. (QE45 .C65 1962)

Compton, R.R., 1985, Geology in the field: New York, Wiley, 398 p. (QE45 .C63 1985)

Dutro, J.T., Jr., Dietrich, R.V., and Foose, R.M., compilers, 1989, AGI Data Sheets, 3rd ed.

Gardiner, V., and Dackombe, R., 1983, Geomorphological Field Manual: Allen and Unwin, p.1-254.

Kottlowski, F.E., 1965, Measuring Stratigrahic Sections: Holt, Rhinehart, and Winston, p.1-253.

Tucker, M.E., 1982, The Field Description of Sedimentary Rocks; Geological Society of London Handbook: The Open University Press and Halsted Press, p. 1-112.


Forrester, J.D., 1946, Principles of field and mining geology: New York, J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 647 p. (QE45 .F6)

Lahee, F.H., 1961, Field geology, 6th ed.: New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 926 p. (QE28 .L2 1961)

Specific Papers

Note: It is doubtful that anyone will get through all of these. Concentrate on the most important ones, marked with “+”.

Landslides and Slumping

De Sitter, L.U., 1954, Gravitational gliding tectonics: an essay in comparative structural geology: American Journal of Science, v. 252, p. 321-344.

Duffield, W., 1993, Oblique synoptic images, produced from digital data, display strong evidence of a new caldera in southwestern Guatemala: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 55, n.3-4, p. 217-224. (ILL). [of marginal interest...Toreva Blocks].

Hansen, M.J., 1984, Strategies for classification of landslides, in, Brunsden, D., and Prior, D.B., Slope Instability: John Wiley and Sons, p.1-25.

Radbruch-Hall, D.H., 1977, The systematic evaluation of landslide incidence and susceptibility in the United States: Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology 16, p.82-86. (ILL).

Reiche, P., 1937, The Toreva-block, a distinctive landslide type: Journal of Geology, v. 45, n.5, p. 538-548. (550.5 J82). [The seminal article on Toreva blocks].

Ritter, D.F., Kochel, R.C., and Miller, J.R., 1995, Process Geomorphology, 3rd ed.: Chicago, Wm. C. Brown Publishers. (Text used at NDSU). [Note: Chapter 4, Section on Mass Movements of Slope Materials, p.104-135.]

Stoffer, P.W., Messina, P., and Chamberlain, J.A., Jr., 1997, Buried slumps in the upper Pierre Shale and Fox Hills Formation (Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous) in Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 1997 Annual Meeting, p.274-275.

Varnes, D.J., 1958, Landslide types and processes, p.20-47, in, Eckel, E.B., ed., Landslides and engineering practice: Highway Research Board Special Rept. 29, p.20-47, plates (TE7.N3 #29). [In Gill references.]


Bjork, Philip R., 1967, Latest Eocene vertebrates from northwestern South Dakota: Journal of Paleontology, v.41, n.1, p.227-236. (ILL)

Bryant, J.D., Froelich, P.N., Showers, W.J., and Genna, B.J., 1996, Biologic and climatic signals in the oxygen isotopic composition of Eocene-Oligocene equid enamel phosphate: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v.126, n.1-2, p.75-89.

Chinburg, W. and Holland, F.D., Jr., 1965, Report of the Oligocene rhinoceras Subhyracodon in North Dakota: Abstract North Dakota Academy Science Proc., v.19, p.213.

Coombs, M.C., and Coombs, W.P., Jr., 1997, Analysis of the geology, fauna, and taphonomy of Morava Ranch Quarry, early Miocene of Northwest Nebraska: Palaios, v.12, n.2, p.165-187.

Cvancara, A.M., and Hoganson, J.W., 1993, Vertebrates of the Cannonball Formation (Paleocene) in North and South Dakota: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v.13, n.1, p. 1-23.

Dickson, E.D., III, and Cunningham, C.R., 1996, Cranial osteology of a new amphisbaenian (Reptilia) with comments on additional specimens of rare small mammalian taxa from the Orellan of Wyoming: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v.16, n.3, suppl., p.31.

Foss, S.E., 1995, Stratigraphic and geographic distribution of fossil fish in the White River Formations of western South Dakota: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v.15, n.3, suppl., p.29.

Hoganson, J.W., Murphy, E.C., and Forsman, N.F., 1995, Lithotratigraphy and biochronology of the Chadron and Brule formations in southwestern North Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 29th annual meeting, p.59.

Hoganson, J.W., Murphy, E.C., and Forsman, N.F., 1995, Stratigraphy, vertebrate fossil record, and age of the Arikaree Formation in North Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 29th annual meeting, p.59.

Korth, W.W., 1995, The skull and upper dentition of Heliscomys senex Wood (Heliscomyidae: Rodentia): Journal of Paleontology, v.69, n.1, p.191-194.

Korth, W.W., and Hageman, J., 1988, Lagomorphs (Mammalia) from the Oligocene (Orellan and Whitneyan) Brule Formation, Nebraska: Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, v.16, p.141-152.

LaGarry, H.E., 1995, Geology of the "Old Floyd Hall Place" (UNSM localities Sx-6 and Sx-7), Sioux County, Nebraska: Proceedings of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies, p.55.

LaGarry, H.E., 1998, "Coyote-like" feeding behaviors of Oligocene carnivores based on coprolite contents: Proceedings of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies, v.108, p.47.

LaGarry, H.E., 1998, "Wolf-like" feeding behavior of Oligocene carnivores based on evidence of bone processing: Proceedings of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societeis, v.108, p.48.

Mader, B.J., and Alexander, J.P., 1995, Megacerops kuwagatarhinus n. sp., an unusual brontothere (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) with distally forked horns: Journal of Paleontology, v.69, n.3, p.581-587.

Mellett, J.S., 1977, Paleobiology of North American Hyaenodon (Mammalia, Creodonta). Contributions to Vertebrate Evolution 1, p.1-134.

Pearson, D.A., and Hoganson, J.W., 1995, The Medicine Pole Hills local fauna; a Chadron Formation (Eocene) vertebrate assemblage from Bowman County, southwestern North Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 29th annual meeting, p.79.

Prothero, D.R., 1994, The Eocene-Oligocene Transition: Paradise Lost: New York, Columbia University Press.

Prothero, D.R., and Berggren, W.A., eds., 1992, Eocene-Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution: Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press.

Prothero, D.R., and Emry, R.J., 1996, The terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene transition in North America: New York, Cambridge University Press, 550 p. (QE692.8 .T47 1996) (Especially 15. The Whitneyan-Arikareean Transition in the High Plains, p.312-334, and Part II Common Vertebrates of the White River Chronofauna, p.336-683)

Prothero, D.R., and Shubin, N., 1989, The evolution of Oligocene horses, in Prothero, D.R., and Schoch, R.M., eds., The evolution of Perissodactyls: New York, Oxford University Press, p. 142-175.

Prothero, D.R., and Whittlesey, K.E., 1995, Redefinition of the Chadronian/ Orellan boundary in the White River Group; implications for Eocene-Oligocene faunal change: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 29th annual meeting, p.320.

Retallack, G.J., 1984, Trace fossils of burrowing beetles and bees in an Oligocene paleosol, Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Journal of Paleontology, v.58, n.2, p.571-592.

Scott, W.B., Jepsen, G.L., and Wood, A.E., 1936-1941, The mammalian fauna of the White River Oligocene, Parts I-V: Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, v.28, p.1-980.

Skinner, M.F., 1951, The Oligocene of western North Dakota, in Bump, J.D., ed., Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Guidebook, 5th Annual Field Conference, Western South Dakota, August-September 1951.

Stout, T.M., and Stone, W.J., 1971, Fossil beavers in Tertiary caprocks in North Dakota and Montana: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.3, p.281-282.

Sundell, C.A., 1996, White River Oligocene mammalian burrows and advanced tooth wear in rodents: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v.16, n.3, suppl., p.68.

Sundell, C.A., 1997, Oreodonts; large burrowing mammals of the Oligocene: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v.17, n.3, suppl, p.80.

Sundell, C.A., 1997, Orellan burrows and associated fauna from Converse County, WY: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v.17, n.3, suppl, p.80.

Tedrow, A.R., 1994, Insectivores from the Orellan-Whitneyan transition at Reva Gap, Slim Buttes, Harding County, South Dakota: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v.14, n.3, Suppl., p.49.

Terry, D.O., LaGarry, H.E., and Wells, W.B., 1995, The White River Group revisited; vertebrate trackways, ecosystems, and lithostratigraphic revision, redefinition, and redescription; Field trip No. 4, in, Geologic field trips in Nebraska and adjacent parts of Kansas and South Dakota: Lincoln, NE, University of Nebrask-Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division.

Paleopedology, Paleosols, Loess, & Ash Layers

Aleinikoff, J.N., Muhs, D.R., Sauer, R.R., Fanning, C.M., and Benton, R., 1996, Isotopic evidence for the sources of late Wisconsin loess, Great Plains of Colorado and Nebraska, and palaeoclimatic significance: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 28th annual meeting, p.498.

Blaylock, G.W., Christiansen, E.H, Best, M.G, Deino, A.L., Swinehart, J.B., and Evanoff, E., 1997, Correlation of the upper and lower ash layers of the Oligocene Whitney Member (Brule Formation) of Nebraska with their source ash-flow tuff deposits in Nevada and Utah: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 1997 Annual Meeting, p.393.

Larson, E.E, and Evanoff, E., 1995, Tephrostratigraphy of the White River sequence in Nebraska, Wyoming, and Colorado: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 29th annual meeting, p.67-68.

Pettyjohn, W.A., 1966, Eocene paleosols in the northern Great Plains: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, v.5500, p.61-65.

Retallack, G.J., 1983, A paleopedological approach to the interpretation of terrestrial sedimentary rocks: the mid-Tertiary fossil soils of Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Geological Society of America Bulletin 94, p. 823-840. (550.5 G29).

Retallack, G.J., 1983, Late Eocene and Oligocene fossil paleosols from Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Geological Society of America Special Paper 193.

Souders, V.L., and Swinehart, J.B., 1996, Cenozoic loesses of Nebraska: Proceedings of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies, v.106, p.49.

Terry, D.O., Jr., 1995, Paleopedology of the Big Cottonwood Creek Member of the Eocene Chadron Formation, White River Group, badlands of northwestern Nebraska: Proceedings of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies, p. 57.

Veseth, R., and Montagne, C., 1980, Geologic parent materials of Montana soils: Bulletin 721, Montana Agricultural Experiment Station (Bozeman), 117 p.


Bell, G.L., 1968, Piping in the Badlands of North Dakota: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium, p. 242-257. (UND)

Bryan, R., and Yair, A., eds., 1982, Badland Geomorphology and Piping: Norwich, United Kingdom, Geo Abstracts, 414 p.

Gile, L.H., and Grossman, R.B., 1979, Pipes, in, The desert project soil monograph; Soils and landscapes of a desert region astride the Rio Grande Valley near Las Cruces, New Mexico: Lincoln, NE, Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, p.185-187. [DOCUMENT A57.2:D45]

Parker, Sr., G.G., Higgins, C.G., and Wood, W.W., 1990, Piping and pseudokarst in drylands, in Higgins, C.G., and Coates, D.R., eds., Groundwater geomorphology; The role of subsurface water in earth-surface processes and landforms: Geological Society of America Special Paper 252, p. 77-110.

Regional Geology

Agnew, A.F., and Tychsen, P.C., 1965, A guide to the stratigraphy of South Dakota: South Dakota State Geological Surevey Bulletin 14, 195 p.

Artindale, J.S., and Clark, R.A., 1992 Identifying applications for horizontal wells - a case study approach: Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Course Notes.

Ashworth, A.C., 1985, The Oligocene age and the fluvial origin of the Chadron Formation reaffirmed by observations in the Little Badlands, Stark County, North Dakota: Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science, v.40, p.17.

Ashworth, A.C., Benton, R.C., Biek, R.F., Murphy, E.C., Shurr, G.W., Stevens, K.K., and Terry, JD.O., 1996, A field guide to Tertiary tectonism in the northern Great Plains: road log, field trip 1 in, Paterson, C.J., and Kirchner, J.G., eds., Guidebook to the Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Bulletin No.19, p.9-18.

Ashworth, A.C., Biek, R.F., Murphy, E.C., and Shurr G.W., 1995, Little faults and folds on the prairie; evidence for Neogene tectonism in North Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 29th annual meeting, North-Central Section, South-Central Section, v.27, n.3, p.35.

Biek, R.F., and Murphy, E.C, 1995, Geology of the Davis Buttes, Dickinson, North, Dickinson South, and Lehigh Quadrangles, Stark and Dunn Counties, North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Open-File Reprot 95-1, 64 p.

Bluemle, J.P., Anderson, S.B., and Carlson, C.G., 1981, Williston Basin stratigraphic nomenclature chart: North Dakota Geological Survey Misc. Series no. 61.

Bretz, R.F., and Shurr, G.W., 1982, The Relationship of natural gas occurrences to lineaments in South Dakota, in Christopher, J.E., and Kaldo, J., eds., Fourth International Williston Basin symposium: Saskatchewan Geological Society Special Publication Number 6, p. 321.

Brown, Donald L., and Brown, Darren L., 1987, Wrench-style deformation and paleostructural influence on sedimentation in and aroung a cratonic basin, in Peterson, J.A., Kent, D.M., Anderson, S.B. Pilatzke, R.H., and Longman, M.W., eds., Williston Basin: Anatomy of a Cratonic Oil Province: Denver, CO, The Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p.57-70.

Bump, J.D., 1956, Geographic names for the members of the Brule Formation of the Big Badlands of South Dakota: American Journal of Science, v.254, p.429-432.

Casella, C.J., 1990, Origin of Master fractures in Oligocene-Miocene rocks of Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.22, no.5, p.5.

Clark, J., 1937, The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Chadron Formation in the Big Badlands of South Dakota: Carnegie Museum Annals, v.25, p.261-350.

Clark, J., 1954, Geographic designation of the members of the Chadron Formation in South Dakota: Annals of the Carnegie Museum, v.33, p.197-198.

Clark, J., Beerbower, J.R., and Kietzke, K.K., 1967, Oligocene sedimentation, stratigraphy, paleoecology and paleoclimatology of the Big Badlands of South Dakota: Fieldiana, Geology Memoirs, 5, 158 p.

Clausen, E., 1986, Origin of quartz latite porphyry cobbles found at base of White River Group sediments in southwest North Dakota, in, North Dakota Geological Society 1986 Fieldtrip Guidebook, p.41-45.

Clausen, E.N., 1989, Presence of rounded boulders and large cobbles at base of White River Group (Oligocene) strata in southwest North Dakota and northwest South Dakota: Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming, v.27, n.1, p.1-6.

Evanoff, E., 1995, An overview of the tectonic, volcanic, and paleoclimatic setting of the White River sequence: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 29th annual meeting, p.48.

Evans, J.E., 1995, Lacustrine carbonate in the uppermost Chadron Formation ("Bloom Basin limestone bed"), White River Group, S.D.: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 29th annual meeting, p. 48-49.

Evans, J.E., 1998, Facies associations of freshwater carbonates in the Eocene-Oligocene Chadron Formation, White River Group, Nebraska and South Dakota, USA, in, Pitman, J.K., and Carroll, A.R., eds., Modern & ancient lake systems; new problems and perspectives: Salt Lake City, UT, Utah Geological Association Publication 26, p.209-231.

Evans, J.E., and Terry, D.O., Jr., 1994, The significance of incision and fluvial sedimentation in the basal White River Group (Eocene-Oligocene), Badlands of South Dakota, USA: Sedimentary Geology, v.90, p.137-152.

Evans, J.E., and Terry, D.O., Jr., 1995, Lacustrine and palustrine carbonates, Bloom Basin Limestone Bed, Chadron Formation, Badlands of South Dakota, U.S.A., in, Gierlowkowski-Kordesch, E., and Kelts, K., eds., Global geologica record of lake basins, v.2: New York, Cambridge Univesrsity Press.

Gell, C.E., 1966, Geometry of calcite cememted concretions of the Arikaree Group (Tertiary); a clue to hydrodynamic processes of cementation [Master's thesis]: Austin, TX, University of Texas, 75 p.

Gerhard, L.C., Anderson, S.B., LeFever, J.A., and Carlson, C.G., 1982, Geological development and origin of the Williston Basin, in Christopher, J.E., and Kaldi, J., eds., Fourth International Williston Basin Symposium: Saskatchewan Geological Society Special Publication 6, p.1.

+ Gill, J.R., 1962, Tertiary landslides, Northwestern South Dakota and southeastern Montana: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.73, p.725-736.

Harksen, J.C., and Macdonald, J.R., 1969, Type sections for the Chadron and Brule Formations of the White River Oligocene in the Big Badlands of South Dakota: South Dakota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 99, 23 p.

Hoganson, J.W., 1986, Oligocene Stratigraphy of North Dakota, in, North Dakota Geological Society 1986 Fieldtrip Guidebook, p. 36-40.

Jacob, A.F., 1976, Geology of the upper part of the Fort Union Group (Paleocene), Williston Basin, with reference to uranium: North Dakota Geological Survey Report of Investigation 58. (TN 24.N9 A3 No.58).

Johnson, C.F., 1958, The structure and clastic dikes in the Sage Creek-Pinnacles area, Badlands National Monument: M.S. Thesis, Rapid City, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 23 p.

LaGarry, H.E., Terry, D.O., Jr., and LaGarry, L.A., 1996, Paleovalley sequences of the Chadron Fm. in northwestern Nebraska; a previously-unrecognized lithostratigraphic interval of the White River Group: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 28th annual meeting, p.309.

Laird, W.M., 1956, Geology of the North Unit, Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park: North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 32. (QE149 .A23 no. 32). [Mentions slump-blocks in North Dakota badlands; illustrations].

Leonard, A.G., 1922, The White River Formation in North Dakota: North Dakota Quarterly Journal, v.12, p.218-228.

Lisenbee, A.L., and DeWitt, E., 1993, Laramide evolution of the Black Hills uplift, in, Snoke, A.W., Steidtmann, J.R., and Roberts, S.M., Geology of Wyoming: Geological Survey of Wyoming Memoir 5, p. 374-412.

Mapel, W.J.,1956, Uraniferous black shale in the northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains regions: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 300, p. 469- 476. (I19.16: 300)

Martin, J.E., 1987, The White River badlands of South Dakota: Geological Society of America Centennial Field Guide - Rocky Mountain Section, v.2, p.233-236. (QE77.C46).

Macek-Rowland, K.M., 2002, Studying the Effects of Land Use on Sediment Loads, Little Missouri National Grasslands, North Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 02-427 (

McFadden, B.J., and Hunt, R.M., 1995, Magnetic polarity stratigraphy and correlation of the Arikaree Group, Sioux County, Nebraska: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 29th annual meeting, p. 70.

Meek, F.B., and Hayden, F.V., 1876, A report on the invertebrate Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils of the upper Missouri Country: U.S. Geological Survey of the Territories Report, v.9, 629 p.

Moore, G.W., Melin, R.E., and Kepferle, R.C., 1955, Uranium-bearing lignite in southwestern North Dakota: United States Geological Survey Bulletin 1099- E, p.147-166. (I19.3:1055).

Murphy, E.C., Hoganson, J.W., and Forsman, N.F., 1993, The Chadron, Brule, and Arikaree Formations in North Dakota: North Dakota Geological Survey Report of Investigation No. 96, 144 p.

North Dakota Geological Society, 1954, Stratigraphy of the Williston Basin: Bismarck, ND, North Dakota Geological Society, 78 p.

Peterson, J.A., and MacCary, L.M., 1987, Regional stratigraphy and general petroleum geology of the U.S. portion of the Williston Basin and adjacent areas, in Peterson, J.A., Kent, D.M., Anderson, S.B. Pilatzke, R.H., and Longman, M.W., eds., Williston Basin: Anatomy of a Cratonic Oil Province: Denver, CO, The Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p.9-43.

Prothero, D.R., and Berggren, W.A., eds., 1992, Eocene-Oligocene climatic and biotic evolution: Princeton, Princeton University Press.

Prothero, D.R., and Swisher, C.C., III, 1992, Magnetostratigraphy and geochronology of the terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene transition in North America, in, Prothero, D.R., and Berggren, W.A., eds., Eocene-Oligocene climatic and biotic evolution: Princeton, Princeton University Press, P.46-73.

Raymond, W.H., and King, R.U., 1976, Geologic map of the Badlands National Monument and vicinity, west-central South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map I-934, scale 1:62,500.

Retallack, G.J., 1983, Late Eocene and Oligocene paleosols from Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Geological Society of America Special Paper 193, 82 p.

Rich, F.J., ed., 1981, Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming: American Geological Institute, 221 p.

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, 1972, Geologic atlas of the Rocky Mountain region, United States of America: Denver, CO, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, 331 p. (REFERENCE G1466.C5 R6 1972) (Note chapter by P. Robinson: Tertiary History, p.233 ff).

Rothrock, E.P., 1943, A geology of South Dakota - Pt. 1, the surface: South Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 13, 88 p.

Schopf, James M., and Gray, Ralph J., 1954, Microscopic Studies of Uraniferous Coal Deposits: United States Geological Survey Circular 343, 10 p. (I19.4/2: 0343).

Schuchert, C., 1943, Part VII. The Eastern Plains States. Chapter 28. South Dakota, in Schuchert, C., Stratigraphy of the eastern and central United States: New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., p. 770-795.

Schultz, C.B., and Stout, T.M., 1955, Classification of Oligocene sediments of Nebraska: Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum, v.4, p.17-52.

+ Seeland, D., 1985, Oligocene paleogeography of the northern Great Plains and adjacent mountains, in, Flores, R.M., and Kaplan, S.S., eds., Cenozoic Paleogeography of the Northern Great Plains and Adjacent Regions: Denver, CO, S.E.P.M. Rocky Mountain Section, p.187-205.

Shurr, G.W., 1994, Landsat mapping of tectonic blocks that show strike slip, Northern Great Plains, USA: American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Annual Meeting Abstracts, p.258.

Shurr, G.W., 1996, Overview of shallow gas production from Eagle-equivalent rocks south and east of Cedar Creek Anticline: AAPG Bulletin, v. 80, n. 6, p. 981.

Shurr, G.W., 1997, Evidence for fractured reservoirs in shallow gas fields near Cedar Creek Anticline in the Northern Great Plains: AAPG Bulletin, v. 81, n. 7, p. 1233.

Shurr, G.W., Ashworth, A.C., Benton, R., Murphy, E.C., and Biek, R.F., 1996, Regional Framework for Tertiary Tectonism in the Northern Great Plains, in, Paterson, C.J., and Kirchner, J.G, Guidebook to the geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota: Rapid City, SD, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Bul. 19, p.129-134.

Shurr, G.W., Ashworth, A.C., Burke, R.B., and Diehl, P.E., 1995, Tectonic controls on the Lodgepole play in northern Stark County, North Dakota - perspectives from surface and subsurface studies, in, Hunter, L.D.V., ed., Proceedings of the Seventh International Williston Basin Symposium: Montana Geological Society Guidebook, P.203-208.

Shurr, G.W., Hammond, R.H., and Bretz, R.F., 1994, Cretaceous paleotectonism and post depositional tectonism in south-central South Dakota: an example of epeirogenic tectonism in continental lithosphere, in, Shurr, G.W., Ludvigson, G.A., and Hammond, R.H., eds., Perspectives on the eatern margin of the Cretaceous Western Interior Basin: Geological Society of America Special Paper 287, p.237-256.

Shurr, G.W., Larson, B.S., and Watkins, I.W., 1989, The basement block mosaic beneath the Montana plains, in, French, D.E., and Grabb, R.F., eds., Geologic resources of Montana: Montana Geological Society, Centennial Field Conference Guidebook, p.299-309.

Simpson, W.F., 1985, Geology and paleontology of the Oligocene Harris Ranch badlands, southwestern South Dakota, in, Martin, J.E, ed., Fossiliferous Cenozoic deposits of western South Dakota and northwestern Nebraska: Dakoterra, v.2, pt.2, p.303-333.

Skinner, M.F., 1951, The Oligocene of western North Dakota, in, Bump, J.D., ed., Soc. Vertebrate Paleontology Guidebook, 5th Ann. Field Conf., western South Dakota, Aug-Sept 1951, p.51-58.

Smith, K.G., 1952, Structure plan of clastic dikes: American Geophysical Union Transactions, v.33, n.6, p.869-892.

Stevenson, R.E., 1955, Preliminary report on the major structural features of South Dakota: Proc. South Dakota Acad. Sci. XXXIV, p.71-77.

Stone, W.J., 1973, Stratigraphy and sedimentary history of middle Cenozoic (Oligocene and Miocene) deposits in North Dakota [Ph.D. dissertation]: Grand Forks, University of North Dakota, 217 p.

Tedford, R.H., Swinehart, J.B., and Hunt, R.M., 1985, Uppermost White River and lowermost Arikaree rocks and faunas, White River valley, northwestern Nebraska, and their correlatoin with South Dakota, in, Martin, J.E., ed., Fossiliferous Cenozoic deposits of western South Dakota and northwestern Nebraska: Dakoterra, v.2, pt.2, p.334-352.

Tedford, R.H., Galusha, T., Skinner, M.F., Taylor, B.E., Fields, R.W., Macdonald, J.R., Rensberger, J.M., Webb, S.D., and Whistler, D.P., 1987, Faunal succession and biochronology of the Arikareen through Hemphillian interfal (late Oligocene through earliest Pliocene Epochs) in North America, in, Woodburne, M.O., ed., Cenozoic mammals of North America, geochronology and biostratigraphy: University of California Press, p.152-210.

Terry, D.O., Jr., 1995, Provisional lithostratigraphic revision and correlation of the lower portion of the White River Group; Nebraska to South Dakota: Geolgical Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 29th annual meeting, p.89-90.

Terry, D.O., Jr., and Evans, J.E., 1994, Pedogenesis and paleoclimatic implications of the Chamberlain Pass Formation, Basal White River Group, Badlans of South Dakota: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v.110, p.197-215.

Terry, D.O., Jr., and LaGarry, H.E., 1995, Provisional revision and rediscription of the upper part of the Chadron Formation in Northwestern Nebraska: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 29th annual meeting, p.89.

Todd, J.E., 1895, Recent geological work in South Dakota: American Geologist, v.16, p.202.

Trimble, D., 1980, Cenozoic tectonic history of the Great Plains contrasted with that of the southern Rocky Mountains; A synthesis: The Mountain Geologist, v.17, n.3, p.59-69. (At UND)

Wanless, H.R., 1922, Lithology of the White River Sediments: American Philosophical Society Proceedings, v.62, p.663-669.

Wells, W.B., Terry, D.O., and LaGarry, H.E., 1995, Stratigraphic implications of a fluvial origin for the "nodular zones", Brule Formation (Orella Member), northwestern Nebraska: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 29th annual meeting, p.95.

Whittlesey, K.E., and Prothero, D.R., 1996, Magnetostratigraphy of White River sediments in Badlands National Park; lithologic and biostratigraphic implications: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Rocky Mountain Section, 48th annual meeting, p.42

Winchester, D.E., Hares, C.J., Loyd, ElR., and Parks, E.M., 1916, The lignite field of northwestern South Dakota: U.S.Geological Survey Bulletin 627, 169 p.

Black Hills:

Evans, J.E., 1996, Evidence for late Eocene unroofing of the Black Hills Uplift: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 28th annual meeting, p.373.

Feldmann, R.M., and Heimlich, R.A., 1980, The Black Hills: field guide: Dubuque, IO, Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., 190 p. (QE164.B6 F44)

Lisenbee, A.L., and DeWitt, E., 1993, Laramide evolution of the Black Hills uplift, in, Snoke, A.W., Steidtmann, J.R., and Roberts, S.M., Geology of Wyoming: Geological Survey of Wyoming Memoir 5, p.374-412.

Nixon, D.A., 1995, The structure of the Pine Ridge of the tri-state region of Wyoming, Nebraska, and South Dakota and its relationship to the Black Hills Dome: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 29th annual meeting, p.77.

Rich, F.J., ed., 1985, Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming: field trip guidebook, Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, 1981 Annual Meeting, Rapid City, South Dakota, 2nd ed.: Alexandria, VA, AGI, 292 p. (QE164.B6 G46 1985)

Shurr, G.W., 1982, Geologic significance of lineaments interpreted from landsat images near the northern Black Hills, in Christopher, J.E., and Kaldi, J., Fourth International Williston Basin Symposium: Saskatchewan Geological Society Special Publication 6, p.313-320.

Williston Basin:

Gerhard, L.C. and Anderson, S.B., 1988, Geology of the Williston Basin (United States protion), in, Sloss, L.L., ed., Sedimentary Cover - North American Craton: U.S.: Boulder, CO, GSA, The Geology of North America, v. D-2, p.221-241.(QE71 .G48 1986 vol. D-2)

Gerhard, L.C., Anderson, S.B., and Fischer, D.W., 1991, Petroleum geology of the Williston Basin, in Leighton, M.W., Kolata, D.R., Oltz, D.F., and Eidel, J.J., Interior cratonic basins: AAPG Memoir 51, p.507-559. [A lot more than petroleum geology]

Gerhard, L.C., Anderson, S.B., Lefever, J.A., and Carlson, C.G., 1982, Geological development, origin, and energy mineral resources of Williston Basin, North Dakota: AAPG Bulletin, v.66, p.989-1020.

Petroleum Information, 1980, The Williston Basin - 1980: Denver, CO, Petroleum Information Corportation, 303 p. (TN872.A5 W55 1980).

Slim Buttes Area

Ashworth, A.C., Benton, R.C., Biek, R.F., Murphy, E.C., Shurr, G.W., Stevens, K.K., and Terry, D.O., 1996, A field guide to Tertiary Tectonism in the Northern Great Plains: Road log, field trip 1, in Paterson, C.J., and Kirchner, J.G, Guidebook to the geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota: Rapid City, SD, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Bul. 19, p.9-18.

Baker, Charles Laurence, 1952, Geology of Harding County: South Dakota State Geological Survey, Report of Investigations No. 68, 36 p. (ILL)

Bjork, Philip R., 1964, Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Slim Buttes Formation in Harding County, South Dakota: Unpublished Master’s Thesis, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology. (ILL)

Bjork, Philip R., 1965, Slim Buttes Formation of northwestern South Dakota: Geological Society of North America Special Paper 82, p.319-320. (ILL).

Denson, N. M., Bachman, George O., and Zeller, H. D., 1959, Uranium- bearing lignite in northwestern South Dakota and adjacent states: United States Geological Survey Bulletin 1055-A, p.11-57. (I 19.3:1055).

Denson, N. M., and Gill, J. R., 1956, Uranium-bearing lignite and its relation to volcanic tuffs in eastern Montana and North and South Dakota: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 300, p.413-418. (I19.16: 300).

+ Denson, N. M., and Gill, J.R., 1965, Uranium-bearing lignite and carbonaceous shale in the southwestern part of the Williston Basin - a regional study: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 463, 75 p. (I 19.16:463)

Denson, N. M., Zeller, H. D., and Stephens, J. G., 1956, Water sampling as a guide in the search for uranium deposits and its use in evaluating widespread volcanic units as potential source beds for uranium: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 300, p.673-680. (I19.16:300).

+ Gill, J.R., 1962, Tertiary landslides, northwestern South Dakota and southeastern Montana: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 73, p.725-736. (550.5 G29).

Gill, J.R., and Moore, George W.,1955, Carnotite-bearing sandstone in Cedar Canyon, Slim Buttes, Harding County, South Dakota: United States Geological Survey Bulletin 1009-I, p.249-264. (I19.3:1009-I).

Gill, J.R., Zeller, Howard D., and Schopf, James M.,1959, Core drilling for uranium-bearing lignite, Mendenhall Area, Harding County, South Dakota: United States Geological Survey Bulletin 1055-D, p.97-117. (I19.3: 1055).

Green, J.A., 1982, Slim Buttes, 1876; an episode of the Great Sioux War: University of Oklahoma Press, 192 p. (E 83.876 G74). (If you interested in the history of the area)

King, John W. and Young, Harry B.,1956, High-grade uraniferous lignites in Harding County, South Dakota: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 300, p.419- 431. (I19.16:300).

Lillegraven, Jason A., 1965, Pre-Arikaree deformation at Slim Buttes, South Dakota: Geological Society of America Special Paper 82, 337 p. (ILL)

+ Lillegraven, Jason A., 1970, Stratigraphy, structure, and vertebrate fossils of the Oligocene Brule formation, Slim Buttes, northwestern South Dakota: Geological Society of America Bulletin 81, p.831-850. (550.5 G29).

Petsch, B.C., 1954, Preliminary report on the Reva Gap anticline: South Dakota Geological Survey Report of Investigation No. 76, 11 p.

Struempler, A.W., 1980, Interrelationships of chemical constituents and selected physical properties of ground water in Slim Buttes area, Harding County, South Dakota: Procedings South Dakota Academy of Science, v.59, p.31-33, 37, 41-42. (Q11.584).

Tedrow, A.R., 1994, Insectivores from the Orellan-Whitneyan transition at Reva Gap, Slim Buttes, Harding County, South Dakota: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v.14, n.3, Suppl., p.49.

Terry, D.O., LaGarry, H.E., and Hunt, R.M., Jr., eds., 1998, Depositional environments, lithostratigraphy, and biostratigraphy of the White River and Arikaree groups (Late Eocene to early Miocene, North America): Boulder, CO, GSA, 216 p. (QE691 .D45 1998)

Toepelman, W.C., 1923, The possiblilities of oil in eastern Harding County, South Dakota: South Dakota Geology and Natural History Survey Circular No. 12, 12p.

Toepelman, W.C., 1925, The geology of a portion of the Slim Buttes region of northwestern South Dakota, with special reference to unusual structural features due to slumping: Unpublished Dissertation, University of Chicago, 76 p. (ILL: Library of Congress).

Visher, S.S., 1914, A preliminary report on the biology of Harding County, northwestern South Dakota: South Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin No. 6, p.1-103.

Winchester, D.E., Hares, C.J., Lloyd, E.R., and Parks, E.M., 1916, The lignite field of north-western South Dakota: United States Geological Survey Bulletin 627. (I19.3: 627).

Zeller, H.D. and Schopf, J.M., 1959, Core drilling for uranium-bearing lignite in Harding and Perkins Counties, South Dakota, and Bowman County, North Dakota: United States Geological Survey Bulletin 1055-C, p. 59-71. (I19.3:1055).

Topographic Maps

Battleship Rock, S. Dakota, 7.5 Minute Series


J B Hill, S. Dakota, 7.5 Minute Series

Reva NW, S. Dakota, 7.5 Minute Series

+ The Most Important Papers

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