
Data Services for Geosciences

Data for Geosciences

This is a portal to information about Data and Data Management Plans related to the discipline of Geology.

Access to Geoscience Data Sets [Link]

Identifying and accessing data sets can be a daunting task. This section includes links to various sources of data. It is only a starting point, since this is a rapidly changing area.

Management Plans for Geoscience Data [Link]

Plans for data sharing and data management are increasingly being required by funding agencies, including the National Science Foundation. This section includes information about such requirements, along with a template that can be used as a starting point for writing plans.

Services and Assistance for Data Management and Access [Link]

A variety of services are available to help with data management and access. The purpose of this section is to link individuals with sources of assistance.

Repositories for Geoscience Data [Link]

Two major types of repositories for storing data are institutional repositories and discipline-specific repositories. This section provides resources for identifying both types of repositories.

Metadata Schema for Geoscience Data [Link]

Creating standardized information about data sets that are incorporated into repositories is necessary in order to help seekers identify relevant data sets. This section points toward resources for creating relevant metadata in the geosciences.

Organizations, Conference, & Literature [Link]

This sections points to organizations that have a strong interest in geological data.

Related Topics [Link]

There are a variety of subjects related to both geosciences and data. This section provides added information.

See also: Westra, B., et al, 2010, Selected Internet Resources on Digital Research Data Curation: Issues in Science and Technology Libraries, Fall.

Created by lej; 11/2011

Reorganized 8/2012

Lura's files