
Selected Bibliography--Dating Methods for the Quaternary

Selected Bibliography

Dating Methods for the Quaternary

Note: These sources are only starting points. Also use the references in Reconstructing Quaternary Environments, the Online Catalog, GeoRef, and references in various articles. (The locations for books are LC used at NDSU).


  • Bowen, D.Q., 1978, Quaternary Geology: A Stratigraphic Framework for Multidisciplinary Work. New York: Pergamen, p.109-136 (chaper 5 Geochronometric Dating) (QE696 .B68 1978)
    • Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.47-124. (QC884 .B614 1999)
    • Catt, J.A., 1988, Quaternary Geology for Scientists and Engineers. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p.171-208 (chapter 5: Dating Quaternary Events). (QE696 .C379 1988)
    • Dickin, A.P., 1995, Radiogenic isotope geology. New York: Cambridge University Press. (QE501 .4 .N9 D53 1995)
    • Dickin, A.P., 2005, Radiogenic isotope geology, 2nd ed., Cambridge, 492 p.
    • Ehlers, Jurgen, 1996, Quaternary and Glacial Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p.230-248. (QE696 .E2813 1996)
    • Faure, Gunter, 1986, Principles of Isotope Geology, 2nd edition, New York, John Wiley & Sons. 589 pp. (QE501.4.N9 F38)
    • Flint, R.F., 1971, Glacial and Quaternary Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p. 395-413 (chapter 13) (QE696 .F553)
    • Goudie, A., 1992, Environmental Change, 3rd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 13-19. (QE696 .G68 1992)
    • Leng, M.J., 2006, Isoptopes in Palaeoenvironmental Research. Springer Verlag, 307 p.
    • Lowe, J.J., and Walker, M.J.C., 1997, Reconstructing Quaternary Environments, 2nd ed. Essex, England: Addison Wesley Longman Limited. (QE696 .L776 1997)
    • McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 8th ed., 1997. New York: McGraw-Hill (REFERENCE Q121 .M3 1997) Check the index.
    • Morrison, R.B., and Wright, H.E., Jr., eds., 1968, Means of correlation of Quaternary successions: International Association for Quaternary Research VII Congress Proceedings, v.8 (Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press), 631 p.
    • Prothero, D.R., and Schwab, F., 1996, Sedimentary Geolgy, An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company. (Sed/Strat. textbook)
    • Rutter, N.W., ed., 1985, Dating Methods of Pleistocene Deposits and Their Problems. Geol. Assoc. of Canada Reprint Series (QE697 .D26 1985)
    • Stankowski, W., ed., 2000, The dating of Quaternary marine and land sediments; Papers: Geologis (WrocLaw), n.5.
    • Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., 1997, Chronometric Dating in Archaeology. New York: Plenum Press. (CC78 .C46 1997)
    • Wagner, G.A., 1998, Age determination of young rocks and artifacts: physical and chemical clocks in Quaternary geology and archaeology: New York, Springer, 466 p. (CC78 .W34 1998)
    • Walker, M.J.C., 2005, Quaternary dating methods: New York, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 286 p.

Use the online catalog to find many more books in the library. You will find some in the Archaeology section.

Use GeoRef in WinSPIRS to find articles on Dating Methods. Also use the references found in books.




  • Dalrymple, G. Brent (1984) "How Old Is the Earth? A Reply to "Scientific Creationism", in Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Pacific Division, AAAS Volume 1, Part 3, California, AAAS. pp. 66-131.
    • McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 1997, v. 5, p. 46-50. (REFERENCE Q121 .M3 1997)
    • Rink, W.J., 2001, Beyond C-14 dating; A user's guide to long-range dating methods in archaeology, in Goldberg, P., Holliday, V.T., and Ferring, C.R., eds., Earth sciences and archaeology: NY, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, p.385-417.

Amino Acid

Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.100-112. (QC884 .B614 1999)

Ehlers, Jurgen, 1996, Quaternary and Glacial Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p.243-244. (QE696 .E2813 1996)

Hare, P.E., Von Endt, D.W., and Kokis, J.E., 1997, Protein and Amino Acid Diagenesis Dating, in, Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., Chronometric dating in archaeology. New York: Plenum Press, p. 261-296. (CC78 .C46 1997)

Hart, C.P., no date, Amino Acid Based Geochronology from Antarctic Glacial-Marine Sediments: Boulder, CO, University of Colorado, Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research, Center for Geochronological Research, [accessed 1/10/01].

McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 1997, v. 1, p. 547-550. (REFERENCE Q121 .M3 1997)

Wehmiller, J., 1999, Dr. John Wehmiller [amino acid racemization (AAR)]: Newark, DE, University of Delaware, Department of Geology, [Accessed 1/10/01].

Caesium 137

Cosmogenic: Chlorine 36, Beryllium 10, Aluminum 26, Iodine 129

  • Dickin, A.P., 1995, Radiogenic isotope geology. New York: Cambridge University Press. (QE501 .4 .N9 D53 1995)
    • Ehlers, Jurgen, 1996, Quaternary and Glacial Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p.242-243. (QE696 .E2813 1996)
    • Phillips, F.M., Leavey, B.D., Jannik, N.O., and Kubik, P.W., 1986, The accumulation of cosmogenic chlorine-36 in rocks: a method for exposure dating. Science, v.231, p.41-43.
    • Phillips, F.M., Zreda, M.G., Smith, S.S., Elmore, D., Kubik, P.W., and Sharma, P., 1990, Cosmogenic chlorine-36 chronology for glacial deposits at Bloody Canyon, eastern Sierra Nevada. Science, v. 248, p.1529-1532.
    • Other Cosmogenic Isotope Sites


  • Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.48-73. (QC884 .B614 1999)


  • Dendrochronology
    • Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.123-124. (QC884 .B614 1999)
    • Dean, J.S., 1997, Dendrochronology, in, Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., Chronometric dating in archaeology. New York: Plenum Press, p. 31-64. (CC78 .C46 1997)
    • Electron Spin Resonance
  • Chronometric Techniques Part II - Palomar College (see Electron Spin Resonance Dating)
    • Ehlers, Jurgen, 1996, Quaternary and Glacial Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p.241-242. (QE696 .E2813 1996)
    • Grun, R., 1997, Electron Spin Resonance Dating, in, Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., Chronometric dating in archaeology. New York: Plenum Press, p. 217-260. (CC78 .C46 1997)
    • Grun, R., Rose, J., and Farrand, W.R., eds., 1997, 8th International Conference on Luminescence and Electgron Spin Resonance Dating: QUaternary Science Reviews, v.16, n.3-5.
    • Grun, R., and Wintle, A.G., 2003, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating-LED 02: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 22, n. 10-13, p. 953-1382.
    • McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 1997, v. 17, p. 250-251. (REFERENCE Q121 .M3 1997)
    • New Applications of Electron Spin Resonance
    • Principles of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR)

Fission Track

  • Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.89-90. (QC884 .B614 1999)
    • Dickin, A.P., 1995, Radiogenic isotope geology. New York: Cambridge University Press. (QE501 .4 .N9 D53 1995)
    • Ehlers, Jurgen, 1996, Quaternary and Glacial Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p.240-241. (QE696 .E2813 1996)
    • McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 1997, v. 5 49-50; v. 7, 148-149; v. 13, p. 161; v. 15, p. 605(REFERENCE Q121 .M3 1997)
    • Prothero, D.R., and Schwab, R., 1996, Sedimentary Geology; An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, p. 439-440. (Sed/Strat. Textbook)
    • Westgate, J., Sandhu, A., and Shane, P., 1997, Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., Chronometric dating in archaeology. New York: Plenum Press, p. 127-158. (CC78 .C46 1997)

Lead 210

  • Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.80-81 (QC884 .B614 1999)
    • Dickin, A.P., 1995, Radiogenic isotope geology. New York: Cambridge University Press. (QE501 .4 .N9 D53 1995)
    • Prothero, D.R., and Schwab, R., 1996, Sedimentary Geology; An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, p.437-439. (Sed/Strat. Textbook)


  • Beschel, R.E., 1973, Lichens as a measure of the age of recent moraines. Arctic and Alpine Research, v.5, p.303-309. (551.305 Ar27)
    • Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.116-122. (QC884 .B614 1999)
    • Matthews, J.A., 1992, The Ecology of Recently Deglaciated Terrain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (QK910 . M38 1992).
    • Innes, J.L., 1985, Lichenometry. Progress in Physical Geography, v.9, p.187-254. (G1 .P684)


Berger, G.W., 1997, Luminescence dating of sediments and tephra; A review: Eos, v.78, n.46, Suppl., p.787.

Clarke, M.L., and Rendell, H.M., 2000, The development of a methodology for luminescence dating of Holocene sediments at the land-ocean interface, in Shennan-I., and Andrews, J.E., eds., Holocene land-ocean interaction and environmental change around the North Sea: Geological Society Special Publications n.166, p.69-86.

Duller, G.A.T., 1996, Recent developments in luminescence dating of Quaternary sediments: Progress in Phys98cl Geography, v.20, n.2, p.127-145.

Grun, R., Rose, J., and Farrand, W.R., eds., 1997, 8th International Conference on Luminescence and Electgron Spin Resonance Dating: Quaternary Science Reviews, v.16, n.3-5.

Grun, R., and Wintle, A.G., 2003, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating-LED 02: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 22, n. 10-13, p. 953-1382.

Lamothe, M., 1996, (translated title) Luminescence dating of feldspar in sedimentary environments; The Problem of zeroing: Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, v.50, n.3, p.365-376.

Lang, A., Rieser, U., Havermann, J., and Wagner, G.A., 1998, Luminescence dating of sediments: Naturwissenschaften, v.85, n.11, p.515-523.

Millard, H.T. Jr., and Maat, P.B., 1993, TL, OSL, and IRSL dating techniques, in: USGS Open File Report 93-0273, p.8-9.

Rendell, H.M., 1995, Luminescence dating of Quaternary sediments, in Dunay, R.E., and Hailwood, E.A., eds., Non-biostratigraphical methods of dating and correlation: Geological Society Special Publications, n.89, p.223-235.

Rogalev, B., Chernov, V., Korjonen, K., and Jungner, H., Simultaneous thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence dating of late Pleistocene sediments from Lake Baikal: Radiation Measurements, v.29, n.3-4, p.441-444.

Townsend, P.D. et al, eds., 1988, Thermoluminescence and electron-spin-resonance dating; Part II, Quaternary applications: Quaternary Science Reviews, v.7, n.3-4.

Magnetostratigraphy (Archaeomagnetic, Paleomagnetic)

Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.92-99. (QC884 .B614 1999)

Ehlers, Jurgen, 1996, Quaternary and Glacial Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p.237-238. (QE696 .E2813 1996)

Evans, M.E., and Heller, Friedrich, 2003, Time, in Environmental magnetism; Principles and applications of enviromagnetics: New York, Academic Press, p. 111-133.

McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 1997, v. 5, p. 44-45. (REFERENCE Q121 .M3 1997)

Prothero, D.R., and Schwab, R., 1996, Sedimentary Geology; An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, p. 410-417. (Sed/Strat. Textbook)

Sternberg, R.S., 1997, Archaeomagnetic Dating, in, Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., Chronometric dating in archaeology. New York: Plenum Press, p. 323-356.(CC78 .C46 1997)

    • Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL)

Luminescence Geochronology Lab at Los Alamos

Frechen, M., 1999, Luminescence dating of loessic sediments from the Loess Plateau, China: Geologische Rundschau, v.87, n.4, p.675-684.

Hoffower, H., 2002, Application of optically stimulated luminescence dating techniques to modern and Pleistocene glacio-fluvial deposits: Nebraska Academy of Sciences Program and Proceedings, n.112, p.53.

Huntley, D.J., and Lamothe, M., 2001, Ubiquity of anomalous fading in K-feldspars and the measurement and correction for it in optical dating: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v.38, n.7, p.1093-1106.

Murray, A.S., and Olley, J.M., 1999, Determining sedimentation rates using luminescence dating: GeoResearch Forum, n.5, p.121-143.

Murray, A.S., and Roberts, R.G., 1997. Determining the burial time of single grains of quartz using optically stimulated luminescence: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v.152, n.1-4, p.163-180.

Olley, J., Caitcheon, G., and Murray, A., 1998, The distribution of apparent dose as determined by optically stimulated luminescence in small aliquots of fluvial quartz; implications for dating young sediments: Quaternary Science Reviews, v.17, n.11, p.1033-1040.

Wallinga, J., Murray, A.S., Duller, G.A.T., and Tornqvist-Torbjorn, E., 2001, Testing optically stimulated luminescence dating of sand-sized quartz and feldspar from fluvial deposits: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v.193, n.3-4, p.617-630.

Paleosols, Dating of

Catt, J.A., 1990, Chapter 4; Dating of Paleosols, in Field recognition, description and spatial relationships of paleosols: Quaternary International, v. 6, p. 51-64.


Aitken, M.J., 1997, Luminescence Dating, in, Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., Chronometric dating in archaeology. New York: Plenum Press, p. 183-216. (CC78 .C46 1997)

Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.84-88. (QC884 .B614 1999)

Ehlers, Jurgen, 1996, Quaternary and Glacial Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p.241-242. (QE696 .E2813 1996)

McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 1997, v. 5, p. 50. (REFERENCE Q121 .M3 1997)

Also, see: Quaternary Science Reviews, 1999, v.18, n.2. Most of the issue is devoted to Thermoluminescence Dating.

Obsidian Hydration

  • Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.112-113. (QC884 .B614 1999)
    • Friedman, I., Trembour, F.W., and Hughes, R.E., 1997, Obsidian Hydration Dating, in, Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., Chronometric dating in archaeology. New York: Plenum Press, p. 297-321. (CC78 .C46 1997)
    • Obsidian Hydration
    • Shackley, M.S., 1998, Archaeological Obsidian Studies: Method and Theory. New York: Plenum Press. (CC78.7 .A39 1998)
    • Osidian Hydration Studies

Oxygen Isotopes

  • Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.198-215. (QC884 .B614 1999)
    • Ehlers, Jurgen, 1996, Quaternary and Glacial Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p.231-237. (QE696 .E2813 1996)
    • Evans, M.E., and Heller, F., 2003, Oxygen isotope stratigraphy, in Environmental magnetism; Principles and applications of enviromagnetics: New York, Academic Press, p. 130-132,
    • Prothero, D.R., and Schwab, R., 1996, Sedimentary Geology; An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, p. p. 417-419(O-16/O18). (Sed/Strat. Textbook)

Potassium Argon/Argon Argon

  • Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.73-75. (QC884 .B614 1999)
    • Dickin, A.P., 1995, Radiogenic isotope geology. New York: Cambridge University Press. (QE501 .4 .N9 D53 1995)
    • Ehlers, Jurgen, 1996, Quaternary and Glacial Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p.239-240. (QE696 .E2813 1996)
    • McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 1997, v. 5, p. 48; v. 15, p. 603-604 (REFERENCE Q121 .M3 1997)
    • Prothero, D.R., and Schwab, R., 1996, Sedimentary Geology; An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, p. 428-436. (Sed/Strat. Textbook)
    • Walter, R.C., 1997, Potassium-Argon/Argon-Argon Dating Methods, in, Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., Chronometric dating in archaeology. New York: Plenum Press, p. 97-126. (CC78 .C46 1997)


  • Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.77-78, 279. (QC884 .B614 1999)
    • Prothero, D.R., and Schwab, R., 1996, Sedimentary Geology; An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, p. 442. (Sed/Strat. Textbook)

Protein and Amino Acid Diagenesis

  • Hare, P.E., Von Endt, D.W., and Kokis, J.E., 1997, Protein and Amino Acid Diagenesis Dating, in, Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., Chronometric dating in archaeology. New York: Plenum Press, p. 261-296. (CC78 .C46 1997)


  • Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.50-73. (QC884 .B614 1999)
    • Ehlers, Jurgen, 1996, Quaternary and Glacial Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p.238-239. (QE696 .E2813 1996)
    • Taylor, R.E., 1997, Radiocarbon Dating, in, Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., Chronometric dating in archaeology. New York: Plenum Press, p. 65-96. (CC78 .C46 1997)
    • Prothero, D.R., and Schwab, R., 1996, Sedimentary Geology; An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, p. 440-442. (Sed/Strat. Textbook)

Rhenium-osmium (Re/Os System)

  • Dickin, A.P., 1995, Radiogenic isotope geology. New York: Cambridge University Press. (QE501 .4 .N9 D53 1995)
    • McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 1997, v. 15, p. 605. (REFERENCE Q121 .M3 1997)


  • Prothero, D.R., and Schwab, R., 1996, Sedimentary Geology; An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, p. 436-437. (Sed/Strat. Textbook)
    • Dickin, A.P., 1995, Radiogenic isotope geology. New York: Cambridge University Press. (QE501 .4 .N9 D53 1995)
    • McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 1997, v. 5, p. 48-49. (REFERENCE Q121 .M3 1997)

Rock Varnish

  • Beck, W., Donahue, D.J., Jull, A.J.T., Burr, G., Broecker, W.S., Bonani, G., Hajdas, I., and Malotki, E., 1998, Ambiguities in Direct Dating of Rock Surfaces Using RAdiocarbon Measurements. Science, v.280, p.2132-2135.
    • Dorn, R.I., 1998, Response. Science, v.280, p.2135-2139.
    • Malakoff, David, 1998, Rock dates thrown into doubt, researcher under fire. Science, v. 280, p. 2041-2042.
    • Schneider, J.S., and Bierman, P.R., 1997, Surface Dating Using Rock Varnish, in, Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., Chronometric dating in archaeology. New York: Plenum Press, p. 357-388. (CC78 .C46 1997)

Samarium/Neodymium (Sm/Nd)

  • Dickin, A.P., 1995, Radiogenic isotope geology. New York: Cambridge University Press. (QE501 .4 .N9 D53 1995)
    • McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 1997, v. 15, p. p. 605. (REFERENCE Q121 .M3 1997)
    • Prothero, D.R., and Schwab, R., 1996, Sedimentary Geology; An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, p. 442. Sed/Strat. Textbook)


  • Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.113-116, 307. (QC884 .B614 1999)
    • Cas, R.A.F., and Wright, J.V., 1987, Volcanic Successions: Modern and Ancient. London: Unwin Hyman, p.477-478. (QE461 .C378 1987)
    • Lowe, J.J., and Walker, M.J.C., 1997, Reconstructing Quaternary Environments, 2nd ed. Essex, England: Addison Wesley Longman Limited, p.280-284.
    • Mangerud, J., Lie, S.E., Furnes, H., Kristiansen, I.L., and Loemo, L., 1984, A Younger Dryas ash bed in Western Norway and its possible correlations with tephra cores from the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantc. Quaternary Research, v.21, p.85-104. (551.7905 Q28)
    • Mangerud, J., Furnes, H., and Johansen, H., 1986, A 9000-years old ash bed on the Faroe Islands. Quaternary Research, v. 26, p.262-265. (551.7905 Q28)
    • Sejrup, H.P., Sjoholm, J., Furnes, H., Beyer, I., Eide, L., Jansen, E., and Mangerud, J., 1989, Quaternary tephrachronology on the Iceland Plateau, north of Iceland. Journal of Quaternary Science, v.4, n.2, p.109-114. (551.7905 J826)
    • Thorarinsson, S., 1981, Tephra studies and tephrochronology: a historical review with special reference to Iceland, in, Self, S., and Sparks, R.S.J., eds., Tephra Studies. Dordrecht: D. Reidel. (Not at NDSU; ILL)


    • Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary, 2nd ed.: New York, Academic Press, p.76-80. (QC884 .B614 1999)
    • Dickin, A.P., 1995, Radiogenic isotope geology. New York: Cambridge University Press. (QE501 .4 .N9 D53 1995)
    • Ehlers, Jurgen, 1996, Quaternary and Glacial Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p.240. (QE696 .E2813 1996)
    • McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 1997, v. 5, p. 49. (REFERENCE Q121 .M3 1997)
    • Schwarcz, H.P., 1997, Uranium Series Dating, in, Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., Chronometric dating in archaeology. New York: Plenum Press, p. 159-182. (CC78 .C46 1997)


    • Ehlers, Jurgen, 1996, Quaternary and Glacial Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, p.244-248. (QE696 .E2813 1996)


  • Dickin, A.P., 1995, Radiogenic isotope geology. New York: Cambridge University Press. (QE501 .4 .N9 D53 1995)
    • Isotope Geochemistry of Continental Rocks
    • Specialist Isotopic Schemes
    • U-Series Dating
    • U-Series Geochemistry of Igneous Systems
    • Rare Gas Geochemistry
    • Extinct Radionuclides
    • McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 1997. (REFERENCE Q121 .M3 1997)
    • Annual counting 5 47
    • Arch. chem. 2 73-74
    • Arch. chron. 2 74-75
    • Astronomical 5 50
    • Chemical 5 47
    • Chemostratigraphy 3 596-599
    • Common-lead 15 604
    • Geochronometry 8 10
    • Lead isotopes 5 49
    • Quantitative 5 57-50
    • Radiation-effect 5 49-50
    • Radiometric 5 48-49
    • Rock-dating methods 5 49-50

A recommended reserves list for Quaternary Biology:

Bell, M. and Walker, M.J.C., 1992, Late Quaternary environmental change; Physical and human perspectives: Essex, England, Longman, 273 p. [QC884 .B614 1999]

Bradley, R.S., 1999, Paleoclimatology; Reconstructing climates of the Quaternary: San Diego, CA, Academic, 613 p. [QC884 .B614 1999]

Clark, P.U., Webb, R.S., and Keigwin, L.D., eds., 1999, Mechanisms of global climate change at millennial time scales: Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 394 p. [QC981.8.C5 M427 1999]

Dickin, A.P., 1995 (or 2005, 2nd ed.), Radiogenic isotope geology. New York: Cambridge University Press. [QE501 .4 .N9 D53 1995]

Ehlers, J., 1996, Quaternary and glacial geology: New York, NY, John Wiley and Sons, 578 p. [QE696 .E2813 1996]

Roberts, N., 1998, The Holocene; An environmental history: Malden, MA, Blackwell Publishers, 316 p. [GF13 .R6 1998]

Taylor, R.E., and Aitken, M.J., eds., 1997, Chronometric dating in archaeology: New York, NY, Plenum Press, 395 p. [CC78 .C46 1997]

Wagner, G.A., 1998, Age determination of young rocks and artifacts; Physical and chemical clocks in Quaternary geology and archaeology: New York, NY, Springer, 466 p. [CC78 .W34 1998]

Williams, M., et al, 1998, Quaternary environments: New York, NY, Arnold, 329 p. [QE720 .Q36 1998]

Poster: Stalker, A. MacS. and Chrucher, C.S., 1982, Ice Age deposits and animals from the southwestern part of the Great Plains of Canada: Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report 31, 1 sheet.

Poser: March, 1972, Ice Age Mammals of the Alaskan Tundra: National Geographic limited edition.

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