
This page describes the software used in the workshop. You should download and install it on your computer before the workshop to ensure that it works correctly. This is especially important for people who are using corporate and particularly government computers: these computers may be set up in such a way that only an IT representative from your organization can install new software.

Also, the software used in most of the tracks is Windows-based. If you don't have a Windows machine, you may be able to run the software on an emulator, but this is definitely something you need to work out before you arrive, because few of us have non-Windows experience.

UCINET (includes NetDraw)

    • Please download the 32-bit version only.

    • After installing, please run this installation exercise to make sure it is running correctly

  • Not free, but runs for 60 days without a registration code. If someone has previously downloaded the program and the trial period has expired, we can refresh it for the workshop

  • Installing UCINET also installs helper program Netdraw.exe

  • The installation procedure creates a folder called UCINET DATA in the user’s Documents folder. This is the folder the user should use for workshop data

UCINET installation on a Mac

UCINET is Windows Software, best run in as native a Windows environment as possible. However, it does run quite well in WineBottler which creates a minimal windows environments.


    • Used in the Stochastic Models track and the Intermediate track

    • Windows platform only

    • Free

    • To download, go to


    • Used in the Stochastic Models module as well as the R mini-modules

    • Available for Windows, Mac and Linux platforms

    • Free

    • Download:



    • Used in the Stochastic Models track

    • Add-on for R

    • Free

    • Download:


    • Follow directions on the siena website to install into R