Analyzing Network Data

Instructors: Rich DeJordy and special guest David Krackhardt (Thursday only)

This is a 4-day (Mon-Thu) workshop that covers much of the same material as Introduction to Social Networks, but is more software and data intensive. It is also more technically oriented in terms of learning the formulas behind measures. It assumes that the participant has read articles that use network concepts, but wants to learn the nuts and bolts of how to really do network analysis. No prior experience using UCINET is assumed. In the labs, participants work independently to complete a set of exercises, and may also choose to work on their own data.

On Monday through Wednesday, Rich DeJordy will provide in-depth coverage of six topics covering data analysis in social network research. Topics include Data Entry, Centrality, Brokerage & Social Capital, Cohesion, and Cohesive SubGroups. Each of the six half-day sessions will include a lecture component to cover the concepts, formulae, and variations, followed by a lab. The labs will allow participants to work independently (or in small groups) on applying the specific material either on provided sample datasets or to their own data. The goal is to move from a more structured “guided” use of the software to more independent use so participants developed the confidence and skill to perform analysis after leaving the workshop.

David Krackhardt will fish the session on Thursday by guiding the class through a “hands-on” simulation of doing a complete organizational network research project, including testing hypotheses. Using data from one of his research projects, he will walk through the entire research process, covering practical issues from data collection, management, and entry followed by various detailed analyses. This session is designed to give the participants both a high-level overview of conducting network research, and hands-on experience with the software. This “guided tour” will employ a variety of topics and analyses covered Monday through Wednesday

The goal of this workshop, as compared to the "Introduction to Social Network Analysis" module, is to focus more on the analytic processes and software tools, as well as to allow more independent work. It is designed for participants who want to gain a firm foundation in network concepts and network analysis. This is a great workshop for thinking about network analysis concepts in context of real studies. The workshop will assume some fluency in using Windows programs, although not necessarily UCINET or NetDraw. For example, after the first day, the goal is for participants to work on the lab exercises independently (or in small groups of students) rather than taking time for the instructor to demonstrate how to calculate various measures in the software. (TAs will circulate helping people who get stuck.) During these labs, participants are encouraged to run the relevant analyses on their data if they have any, either instead of or in addition to running them on the sample data sets.



(AM) Overview of social network research, UCINET, & NetDraw. Hands On.

(PM) Data entry. Independent Lab.


(AM) Cohesion. Independent Lab.

(PM) Cohesive Subgoups. Independent Lab.


(AM) Centrality. Independent Lab.

(PM) Brokerage & Social Capital. Independent Lab.


David Krackhardt - Performing a Social Network Project & Testing Hypotheses.

Recommended Readings

The following book is very consistent with the approach taken in this workshop. Reading the book before the workshop is highly recommended.

Additional Readings

  • UCINET Quick-Start Guide [pdf]


Please visit our software page.


Due to space restrictions, please use the following links to download the Handouts and Labs for Wednesday and Thursday: