
To see how the different sessions fit together, as well as exact times and places, see the schedule.

Main Sessions (4 days)

There are five main tracks, which run Monday through Thursday.

Friday Sessions (1 day)

The Friday sessions are specific to different application areas of SNA.

Daily Mini-Modules (1.5 hrs)

The mini-modules run from 4:15 to 5:45, everyday except Friday. You don't sign up for these in advance: just show up. For more information, visit the mini-module page.

1-on-1 Help Sessions

In addition to the regular workshops, you will have the opportunity to set up 1-on-1 consultations with several faculty:

  • Jeff Johnson (Professor; social sciences & marine fisheries; data collection & research design)

  • Joe Labianca (Professor; organizational theory)

  • Ajay Mehra (Professor; organizational behavior; social cognition)

  • Scott Soltis (Asst. Prof.; micro organizational behavior; human resources)

Note: Sessions with Ajay Mehra will be in the evenings; all other sessions will be during the day. After registration is complete, you will be contacted to arrange a specific time, place, and person.

Data Labs

If you have already collected data, you may wish to avail yourself of the data labs, in which our experienced research assistants help you analyze your data.

If you have comments, suggestions, requests etc. we would love to hear them. Just email