1-on-1 Consults

The 1-on-1 consultations provide an opportunity for you to meet with someone to discuss your research, whether in terms of developing the research question, theoretical framing, research design, or what have you.

We have four instructors available for 1-on-1s. Scroll down to see short bios for each one. Click on their names to view their personal websites.

You sign up for 1-on-1s when you register for the workshop

These session last 40 minutes each. Jeff, Joe, and Scott's sessions run during the daytime in the workshop building and last for 45 minutes each, starting on the hour. Ajay's sessions are in the evening; they will be held in room 297. Text Ajay at 513.417.3217 if you are locked out of building.

You can find out when and where your consultation is scheduled by visiting the 1-on-1 Schedule Page. If you would like to make any changes, please contact Lucy Tepper at lucy.tepper@uky.edu.


Joe Labianca. Gatton Chair in Management, University of Kentucky. Joe mainly conducts intra-organizational network research combining organizational behavior topics and network perspectives. His main research stream focuses on understanding interpersonal conflict from a social network perspective. This involves understanding how dyads in conflict within an organization are affected by third parties and the broader social structure. Joe also does research on groups' social networks, organization design from a network perspective, power and politics, as well as on how individuals' cognitions about organizational change and justice are affected by their network ties. Joe's research has appeared in such outlets as Science, the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, Harvard Business Review, Organization Science, the Journal of World Business, Advances in Strategic Management, Social Networks, MISQ and JMIS. He has served on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal and Organization Science, and is currently on the boards of Strategic Organization and Organizational Psychology Review.

Ajay Mehra. Professor of Management, University of Kentucky. Ajay's research focuses on the role of psychology in the perception and construction of social networks in the workplace. He has served on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, and the British Journal of Management. He is passionate about dogs and rock climbing.

Important: Due to excessive noise, the meetings will take place right here in the Gatton building rather than in Starbucks, the original location we had picked.

Sessions will now be held in Room 297. The entrance to the building is locked after 6:30 PM. I will check the entrance after each meeting. You can also text me (513.417.3217) if you would like me to let you into the building.

Scott Soltis. Assistant Professor of Management, University of Kentucky. Scott's primary research interests are in Human Resource Management, Organizational Culture, and Network Cognition. Scott has conducted multiple field studies as well as research based in archival data. Prior to arriving at the University of Kentucky, he was an Assistant Professor of Management at the University of Missouri-St. Louis where he was also on the faculty of the Industrial/Organizational Psychology department and worked with faculty and doctoral students across the university on research in disciplines such as public policy, political science, education, and nursing. His work has been published in the Academy of Management Annals, Human Resource Management, Organizational Psychology Review, and Research in the Sociology of Organizations and he has served as a reviewer for outlets such as Organization Science, Human Resource Management, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, and Journal of Destination Marketing & Management.

Social Science in General | Methodology

Jeff Johnson. Preeminent Professor of Informatics and Anthropology, University of Florida. He has consulted and published extensively in the areas of social networks, cognition and human/environmental interactions. Johnson was the founding editor of the Journal of Quantitative Anthropology, co-editor of the journal Human Organization, and is currently an associate editor for the Journal of Social Structure, the journal Social Networks and is the Director of the Summer Institute for Research Design in Cultural Anthropology funded by the National Science Foundation. In 2010, as a Program Manager at the Army Research Office, he developed the basic science research program in the social sciences for the Army. He is also the author of Selecting Ethno-graphic Informants, Sage, 1990 and is co-author (with Borgatti and Everett) of the book Analyzing Social Networks, Sage, 2013. Johnson was the recipient of the 1991 Praxis Award for recognition of outstanding achievement in translating anthropological knowledge into action, the Antarctic Service Medal, and received the 2014 Simmel Award where he presented the Keynote Address at the 34th Annual Social Network Conference.


When and where is my 1-on-1 consultation? See the 1-on-1 Schedule Page

Need to make a change? Contact lucy.tepper@uky.edu