1. Pourquoi? Why? Questions and their answers.
2. SVJ.
3. Kimico. Type your name and go on to learn about water, air and sorting your waste.
4. La boîte à bidouille. Every month learn how to build something different.
5. Science en jeu. A virtual world where you learn about science through quests...
6. Try Science. Do some experiments at home and challenge yourself. You can also go on virtual excursions and adventures!
7. Génération Science. Experiments that you can do at home.
8. Laboratoire. Quiz, tests and games about science!
9. Junior Science. Games around the theme of science.
10. Société pour la promotion de la Science et de la Technologie. Choose what you want to learn about, click on the page and enjoy!
11. Le système solaire. So far but so near! The solar system is just a click away !
12. Eurekaweb. A site that gathers the history of inventions.
13. Le Monde Animal. A series of information about different animals.
14. Les dinosaures. A very complete website on dinosaurs.
15. Le Zoo de la Palmyre. Visit the zoo online!
16. Une incroyable planète. Photos, videos, and games to learn about this incredible planet we live on.
17. Le Cycle de l'Eau. Go on a journey to learn about the water cycle.
18. Découvrir l'eau. A great resource about water.
19. Les Volcans. An interactive website to learn about volcanoes.
20. Les Phases de la Lune. An interactive website about the phases of the moon.
21. La chimie. Learn about chemistry, including atoms, gas, chemical reactions and more!
22. La biologie. Learn about the human body.
22. La physique. Learn about physics, including levers, atoms and pulleys.
23. Les sciences. Learn about sciences such as habitats, forces and matter.
24. Le Pays des Ours. Information and stories about bears.
25. Les Cris des Animaux. Click on an animal you want to learn about and you will see a short description, a picture and hear the sound the animal makes.
26. Carnets d'Histoire Naturelle. Facts about more than 250 animals.
27. Dictionnaire des Animaux. An animal dictionary.
28. Animal-Animaux. Easy site about animals for smaller children. Gives a picture, the name of the animal, name of the female and the babies, and more!
29. Africanimo. Site dedicated to African animals.
30. Les papillons. Stories, crafts, and more about butterflies.
31. Fabriquer, Jouer, Pour Comprendre. Build to understand. Hands-on website to learn about different topics.
32. Science et Technologie. Learn about electricity and circuits on this site!
33. Notre eau. Learn more about the water cycle.
34. La méteorologie. Learn about water, clouds, measure instruments and much more here!
35. Les agences de l'eau. How does the water cycle work? How do men affect water? How does pollution work? Check it out!
36. Schéma du cycle de l'eau et pourcentages. Diagram of the water cycle as well as interesting data concerning water.
37. Voyage dans le système solaire. Discover the solar system.
38. Anatomia. How well do you know your body?
39. Le cycle de l'eau de Météo France. Learn more about the water cycle. Interactive story makes it fun!
40. Le système solaire de TV5. More stuff about the solar system, temperatures of planets, sizes, and more!
41. Poopee. Games with bacterias, poop, burps and more!
42. Les bebêtes. Do you know animals? Try to match the sounds with the animal it comes from!
43. Le corps humain.
45. Le cycle de l'eau et son quiz.
46. La contraction musculaire.
47. La cellule.
48. Minéraux et roches.
49. Wikidebrouillards.
50. Des videos sur les animaux...
51. Exercices sur les animaux...
52. Connais-tu les animaux de la ferme?
54. Pleins d'animaux ici: Animaux du désert, des pôles, d'Australie, de la ferme, d'Amérique du Sud, etc..
57. Les bestioles...
60. Le furet.
61. Les Zanimaux.
64. Fiches d'identification animales.
65. Anizoo.
66. Le kinkajou.
67. La chouette tachetée.
68. Les oiseaux de proie.
69. Les oiseaux.
70. Les animaux.
71. Quiz sur l'histoire des sciences....
72. Qui veut gagner des millions sur les sciences!
73. Combien peses-tu sur une autre planete?
74. Sciences de la vie et de la terre: exercices et jeux.
75. Sur les traces de l'homme.