The fastest way to shut down your Windows PC

The fastest way to shut down your Windows PC

Windows-key and X, u, u



Use a desktop's shortcut - CTRL - ALT - X

Right-click on a free location on the desktop and select New > Shortcut.

In the location field, type the following command: %windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 0


If you are running Windows 7 or newer, you may pin the shortcut to the taskbar. This may be useful if you want a clean desktop, don't display desktop icons by default, or prefer to use the taskbar for important activities.

Tip: You can assign a keyboard shortcut to the shortcut to run the command from any location on the system. Right-click the shortcut on the desktop and select properties from the context menu. Locate the Shortcut Field, click on it and pick a shortcut for it that you want to use, for instance Ctrl-F11 or any other shortcut that you are comfortable with and is not mapped by Windows or programs already.

In case you are wondering what the parameters mean:

s means shut down the computer.

t defines the time-out period before the shut down which in this case is 0 seconds.

Since you can map a shortcut to the operation, it is definitely the fastest option available to shut down a Windows computer.

Have another tip in this regard? Feel free to share it in the comments below.
