

How Do You Know When It’s Time to Replace Your Battery?

The best way to clone a hard drive (least time-consuming, error-prone) Ghacks.net

Buying a Mouse: DPI, Sensors and More Maketecheasier.com

Why You Shouldn’t Purchase a Prebuilt Desktop Computer Maketecheasier.com/

Difference Between FAT32, exFAT, and NTFS? HOW

Wireless Hard Drive HERE HOW


There are few respected PC builders out there and it behooves you to do your research and shop around.

There is Digital Storm, Falcon Northwest, and iBuyPower, just to name a few. If you need a good place to start,

here is a useful list.

We ultimately went with CyberPower PC simply because we liked the vast selection of components they offer,

our build price was competitive and within our budget, and we’d heard good things about them.
