The Most Common ADB Commands You Must Know

The Most Common ADB Commands You Must Know

ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge, and it allows you to communicate with your Android device using your computer. For instance, if you wish to install an app on your device right from your desktop, you can do so using ADB. There is a lot more you can do with ADB than just installing an app. Having knowledge of some of the most used ADB commands is really beneficial, as it will let you perform a number of actions on your device without even touching it. Here, we have compiled some of the common commands that you can use with ADB to perform actions on your device.

1. Reboot your Device


adb reboot

This command reboots your device in normal mode. You can use it when you’ve flashed something on your device and you wish to reboot.

2. Reboot into Recovery


adb reboot recovery

If you wish to reboot your device into recovery mode, say for flashing a custom ROM, you can issue the above command. First, your device will turn OFF, and then it will go directly into the recovery mode. If you have flashed a custom recovery on your device, you will be taken to the same instead of the stock recovery.

3. Reboot into Bootloader Mode


adb reboot bootloader

This usually applies to HTC and other devices where you get the bootloader functionality. Issuing the above command will reboot your device into bootloader mode. That is where you can unlock your bootloader, reboot into fastboot and recovery mode, and do some other tasks.

4. Reboot into Fastboot


adb reboot fastboot

Instead of first going into bootloader and then choosing fastboot, you can issue the above command, and it will take your device directly to fastboot mode. The fastboot mode helps you flash custom recoveries as well as custom ROMs on your device.

5. Send File to your Device


adb push Source Destination

The above command lets you send files to your device. You just need to specify the source location of the file in the source argument in the command and the destination where you want to send your file.

6. Get File from your Device


adb pull FileLocation Destination

It will let you pull, or in other words, receive a file from your device. Just specify the file location on your device and the destination in the command, and it should do the job for you.

7. Install an App on your Device


adb install APKLocation

What this command does is let you install an app on your device right from your computer. You just need to specify the APK location in the command, and it will install the selected app on your device.

8. Remount the System


adb remount

In case you want to remount the entire system of your device, you can issue the command mentioned above.


These were the most common ADB commands you should know if you have an Android device and you often connect it to your computer. It will save you some time that you will otherwise spend doing tasks manually.

Just having knowledge of some of the commands given above would prove to be really beneficial to you in the future. As if you ever wish to reboot your device into a specific mode or just want to install an app right off your computer, you will be able to do so by just issuing a single line of command from the Command Prompt Window.
