Google, default accounts set

Google, default accounts set

You will have to sign out of all your accounts, but only once. Although it isn’t well documented, and nowhere in the configuration dashboard or menus is it even noted, there is a method to the multi-login madness. We’re going to go out on a limb and assume that a few weeks ago something occurred that logged you out of your accounts and you had to log back in (major browser update, Windows update, a computer crash, you wiped your cookies, etc.) and that when you went to log back in you logged into your work account first.

That’s the hidden trick that’s not very well documented:

    • whichever account you log into first when you’re using Google’s multi-login feature becomes your default account for the duration of the time that you’re logged into Google.

    • Logging out of the default account switches the default to the next account in the list and l

    • ogging out of all of the accounts resets the entire cycle such that the next login becomes the new default.

It would be nice if there was a future set-as-default feature, but in the mean time you’ll just need to remember to login to your desired default first.
