

Buying a Monitor: What to Look For

1920 x 1080 or 1080p. 22-24-inch - all-around users

2560 x 1440 (1440p 16:9) at 25/27/32 inches – professional graphic work, powerful gaming PCs

3840 x 2160 (4K 16:9) at 32+ inches

A 60Hz refresh rate is the standard for most monitors

Warning: Check the Specs, Not Just the Resolution

There are some 4K monitors on the market that have a great picture, and great 4K resolution, and are even fairly inexpensive. The problem is that the refresh rate on some of these monitors, which is the frequency that

the screen updates itself again, is extremely low, to the point where even moving your mouse across the screen

can get a little jittery. That isn’t to say that those monitors are useless for everything,

  • A really low refresh rate, say 30hz, is going to get really annoying over time as things will be very jumpy

  • and jittery on the screen — and those cheaper monitors are pretty much useless for most PC gaming, at least

  • when they are running at the higher resolution.

  • Most modern monitors have a refresh rate of at least 60hz and some are at 120hz instead.
