KSDOCS Class List

Kansas Government Documents Classification List

Welcome to the Kansas Government Documents Classifcation List. This list is an arrangement of Kansas state government publications using the classification system originally developed by the State Library of Kansas and Emporia State University WAW Library staff. If you have questions regarding this list contact Bill Sowers at the State Library of Kansas... (ksdocs "at symbol" ks.gov).

This list is arranged by K-Doc number. Basic groups with links to group pages are listed below. This site can be searched by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right hand corner of this page.

Most of the titles listed here can also be located within the State Library of Kansas Catalog as well as full text online documents at the Kansas Government Information (KGI) Online Library. Some titles are held by other libraries in Kansas which also use the KSDOCS.

A -- Agricultural Agencies

AD -- Administrative Agencies

AG -- Adjutant General

AGI -- Aging and Disability Services

AU - State Auditor

CB -- Commerce Agencies

CF -- Kansas Department for Children and Families

CH -- Corporation for Change

CR -- Human Rights / Civil Rights Agencies

E -- Educational Agencies and Institutions

EN -- Energy Agencies

ET -- Electric Transmission Authority

F -- Wildlife, Parks and Tourism

FM -- State Fire Marshal

G -- Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Governor's Committees, Commissions, Boards, etc

GE -- Governmental Ethics Agencies

HE -- Health Agencies

HP -- Kansas Health Policy Authority

HR -- Human Resources, Labor Agencies

IN -- Information Network of Kansas

J --- Attorney General and Law Enforcement Agencies

JJ -- Division of Juvenile Services (Kansas Department of Corrections)

JU -- Judicial Branch

L --- Library Service Agencies

LT -- Lottery and Gaming

PER --- Kansas Public Employees Retirement System

PM --- Kansas Pooled Money Investment Board

PR -- Parks Agency

PRB -- Kansas Performance Review Board

Q -- Local and Regional Government Agencies and School Districts

RC --- Racing and Gaming Commission

RE --- Revenue and Taxation Agencies

S -- Secretary of State

SR --- Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Agencies and Institutions (See "CF" for Dept for Children and Families)

SS --- State Affiliated Societies, State Archives, etc

T --- Transportation Agencies

TR --- State Treasurer

TU -- Turnpike Authority

WR --- Water Use and Resources Agencies

X -- Legislative Bills, Resolutions, Calendars and Journals

Y --- Kansas Legislature and Legislative Agencies, Commissions, etc

YA --- Boards, Commissions

YC --- Interstate Commissions

YE --- Independent Boards, Commissions

Z --- Kansas Territorial Publications

ZN --- Native American Tribes and Organizations in Kansas

ZZ --- Non-Governmental Agencies, Organizations, Societies, Businesses With a Kansas Connection