
I have been flying kites since May 2000 after seeing a chap flying a kite on a French Beach whilst on holiday. I started off with a cheap Decathlon dual line stunt kite, and have progressed since there to quad line stunt (or trick) kites, other dual line kites, traction kites and even learning to make my own. That one kite I purchased back in 2000 has now turned into nearly forty kites! Beware - you too might end up like this!Most of my early information was found off the Internet - this site (which is my own experiences both good and bad) attempts to help others who are looking into kites. I hope you find something of interest here - feel free to drop me an e-mail f you have any questions about any of the things here I will do my best to answer them.


January 2021

After a long time of no activity on this site I have decided to keep this updated. Partly because I've noticed that a lot of the information I used when I was first getting into kites has completely disappeared off the internet (especially forum posts) - so even though there isn't the interest in kites as there was 10 years ago, there are still people flying and wanting information about the "old kites" out there. Hopefully this site will serve that function. 

March 2012

Welcome to the new home for the old www.kitejan.me.uk site. As there isn't as much traffic as there once was I decided to close the old domain down and transfer most of the content here for people going looking for things kite related. And who knows? There might be some update from time to time. 


This KiteJan site is solely my thoughts on kites and kite flying - it is not sponsored, supported or in any way anything to do with anybody else. Therefore anything you find within is what I currently think about things. 

About the Site


The site was originally created back in 2002, not long after I acquired  and my Synergy Deca 1, and was hosted on a number of servers with the URL www.kitejan.me.uk, however in 2012 my hosting arrangement ended so I moved everything to a Google hosted site and largely ignored it. In January 2021 I was trying to find some information about one of my old kites and all the searches kept bringing up my own site so I decided that the information and details on the site should, perhaps, be retained so its now being updated again.

Contact Me

Please feel free to drop me an email to kitejan@yahoo.co.uk

A lot of the old kite forums have disappeared, however a few remain that I check in from time to time:

About Me

Well I like kites!

Apart from that I work in IT for the UK National Health Service. And when not working or kite flying I can be found listening to music (all sorts - electronic to classical), making electronic music (you can find me over on bandcamp,) reading, watching films, reading.