Revolution Setup
The Revolution kites are actually quite easy to setup, so long as you make sure everything is correctly assembled before launching. The only difficult part is that of the leading edge - I found that this took practice (and one damaged spar) before I got this right.
My Method
- Start with the rolled up kite.
- Unroll it, and place the two vertical spars to one side.
- Unfold the wingtips from the centre.
- Connect up the leading edge spars by pushing the outer two sections in towards the middle section (the middle spar section has ferrules at either end that fit insidethe outer two spars).
- Make sure, really sure that the leading edge spar is assembled correctly. You should not be able to feel the join from outside the leading edge. If the sections aren't pushed in fully you will break the end of a leading edge spar. I know - I have done this!
- Now the leading edge is assembled, put the wing tip end cap bungee on at either end.
- Insert each of the two vertical spars into the end caps on the leading edge, and put the end cap bungee on.
- Insert each of the two vertical spars into the end caps on the leading edge, and put the end cap bungee on.
- Check once more that all spars are correctly inserted into the end caps/sockets/ferrules (the leading edge sockets for the vertical spars can be a bit misleading).
- Attach the flying lines and stand the kite up ready for take off.
Alternative Leading Edge Assembly
If you are finding it hard to assemble the leading edge spars whilst they are inside the leading edge, then you can do the following:
- When putting the Revolution away take all three leading edge spars out and keep with the two vertical spars.
- Assemble the whole leading edge spar outside the kite.
- Feed the spar into the leading edge on the kite.
- Complete the setup as from No 6 above.
The advantage of this is that you can see what you are doing, rather than relying in touch and the 'look' of things. Of course the disadvantage is that you need quite a lot of space to actually insert the complete spar into the kite. Oh yes, and more spars to leave on the flying field if you are not careful......
I used to do this at the beginning (shortly after damaging the spars) but fairly quickly stopped as it took longer to assemble. I now simply double check the Leading Edge spars are correctly assembled by feeling the Dacron around where the Leading Edge spars join to make sure I can't fee a gap there.