Guide to Traffic Exchanges

Hello and welcome to my guide to traffic exchanges. This guide shows you have to slightly change your surfing habits to surf faster and earn double (even more if you plan on upgrading) the hits to your pages.

Why should I consider advertising here?

Why and what is a manual traffic exchange?

What is web site promotion and how can you increase your web site traffic. Why do they call it manual surf traffic exchanges?

How can it help me if I work at home online have a so called home home based business on the internet?

Advertising at a manual traffic exchange will make sure your site gets seen. If you are looking for an inexpensive online advertising campaign this might just what you have been looking for. You can be advertising your web site, use banner advertising and/or text links advertising. Whatever your advertising needs are, we are here to make sure your site gets seen! You can surf and receive free traffic to your site or decide to advertise. For advertising prices please use the contact button which you see on the left side of this page.

What is web site promotion, how to increase your web site traffic. Web site promotion is making sure people visit your web site, but how does this work at a manual traffic exchange? Why is it called manual surf traffic exchange?

You have a web site you want others to see, others have a web site they want you to see. This is where the surfing part of the manual traffic exchange comes in :-) They visit your web site, you see their web site, result more free quality traffic to your web site, you increased your web site traffic. Manual traffic exchanges are a great way for web site promotion and will get more site traffic.

A traffic exchange network generates a huge amount of site traffic to your web site. You will see an increase of sales, more professional traffic means more people in your list! People will see what you have to offer and this web site promotion is free. Web site promotion at it's best! No matter which web site promotion you are looking for or whatever it is you are advertising, more free quality traffic will help your business! There are no garantees that you will make more money, that depends totally on how you present your business and how active you are, but if you do it the right way you will make more money. A manual traffic exchange will help you and your business. Below you will find a few more manual quality traffic exchanges. There are quite a few good ones, these are some of the manual traffic exchanges that you may want to sign up for and use to receive more visitors to your site :-) These are all free traffic exchanges.

The first step is to join BEST OVERALL 10 TEs


Allin1TE is a great TE that has a great traffic co-op in it and that's what we want to use to get extra views to our pages. Once you're a member go to the sites page and enter the sites you want to promote, click the box to include your sites in the co-op. You can add up to five sites as a free member. DO NOT add any sites with a rotator. These sites don't work well with this and your account my be suspended if something goes wrong with any of your pages in the rotator.

On the sites page is a link for additional info on the traffic co-op, click that for some more info on the co-op. Basically you get extra credits on AllIn1TE when you promote their co-op. There's a table on this page that tells you how many credits you get per visit to your co-op link. The two sites here that are important are EasyHits4U and HitLink.

Both EasyHits4U and HitLink give you a 1:1 rate, on the AllIn1TE table it shows that you get an extra credit for showing your co-op link on these sites. So for every time you view as site on these sites you'll get two views on AllIn1TE/their co-op. (Note: If you upgrade your account to Gold or Platinum on AllIn1TE you will get 2.5 hits per visit.)

And YES because you've clicked on adding your sites to the co-op your site will not only be viewed on Allin1TE but ALL of the sites on that table! Also on your co-op link the top frame will show your referral link to Allin1TE so you can get referrals while using the co-op!

So the next part is to join EasyHits4U and HitLink. Once you've joined these sites add your co-op link from AllIn1TE as your site on these sites. Don't add anymore sites, you want as many extra views extra views as you can get!

Next to surf sites TE's faster join Traffic Browser. Traffic Browser is an amazing internet browser made for surfing TE's. With it you can switch tabs automatically, block java script and auto play music and videos and all around surf safer and faster then using a normal browser!

Once you've joined Traffic Browser download the program and run it. Surf Allin1TE, EasyHits4U, HitLink and any other traffic exchanges you may like that have been added to Traffic Browser!

Now surf your sites and watch the hits come in! Remember to apply the hits your getting from the coop to your pages as they don't auto apply!





Traffic BrowserFeel free to redistribute this guide to help you get your own referrals for these programs. You may

change the referral links to your own but please don't edit the text or links to my own website ReferralWave.

That's the end of my guide, thank you for checking it out and I hope these extra credits help you out!

Want to get even more referrals in any program you want? Join Referral-Wave and put what your

learned in this guide to promote your own downline builder to work! Try it out for free at ReferralWave!

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