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Đây là một số cách kiếm tiền miễn phí trên Internet mà không phải đầu tư bất kỳ khoản tiền nhỏ nào.

"Advertisers need traffic, customers need money."

Tất cả các công việc kiếm tiền miễn phí trên Internet đều liên quan tới quảng cáo. Các nhà quảng cáo cần người thăm website của họ (gọi là Traffic), còn người thăm các website (gọi là Customers) cần tiền. Do đó, các nhà quảng cáo trả tiền để có khách hàng thăm website của mình.

Những điều kiện đầu tiên:

  1. Là người biết kiên nhẫn

  2. Hứng thú với việc kiếm tiền trên mạng

  3. Phải có lập trường đứng vững trước những lời nói ngã nói nghiêng

1. PTC (Paid To Click)

là hình thức kiếm tiền trên mạng bằng việc click quảng cáo và bật trang quảng cáo hiện ra trong vòng cỡ 30s là sẽ được cộng tiền lập tức vào tài khoản. Chi tiết...

Là các site quảng cáo trả tiền cho người thăm và xem quảng cáo trên site của họ. Công việc của bạn là thăm site này, trả lời Captcha để nhận tiền điện tử miễn phí. Đây là cách đơn giản và chắc chắn nhất để bạn kiếm tiền online.

Nhấn vào đây để tới những site mà tôi đang kiếm tiền điện tử. Tất cả đều tốt!

3. Công việc PTR (Được trả tiền để đọc thư quảng cáo)

Các trang web trả tiền để đọc (PTR) hoặc trả tiền cho phép bạn kiếm tiền trực tuyến bằng cách đọc từng email trả phí. Bạn đăng nhập vào các trang web bạn đăng ký và đọc email trên trang web của họ và sau đó chuyển sang email trả tiền tiếp theo để nhận tín dụng.

4. Công việc GPT (Được trả tiền để làm việc đơn giản)

Các trang web GPT, là các trang web của chúng tôi, một trong những trang web của chúng tôi được trả tiền. Đa số các ứng dụng GPTsite và trả tiền cho bạn khi bạn làm việc trong các ứng dụng sau: Hoàn thành một Ưu đãi, thực tế là một phần, liên kết với nhau Kiểu dáng là: GTP1.com .

4. Kiếm Tiền mã hóa (CryptoCurrency)

Tiền mã hóa (CryptoCurrency) là hình thức tiền tệ đang dần được chấp nhận rộng rãi trên thế giới. Khiến cho việc kiếm tiền trực tuyến đơn giản, dễ dàng và ít có rủi ro hơn.



So In This Post We Gonna Talk About How To Make MONEY On YouTube But In Fast Ways...

Now First Thing That Many Of People Who Starts Their YouTube Channel Is They Think Everything Will Happen Overnight...But Yes Sometimes It Is Like That You Upload Video That Noone Ever Saw And BUM!

You get Ton Of Views Overnight And You Get Subscribers That Will Come Back For More,Yes It's True It Also Happend To Me 4 Months Ago I Have Uploaded A Video About One Movie Scene And You Know What In 24 Hours I Got 3.4 Million Views And 49750 Subscribers...WHY? Because I Made It Very Uniqe I Have Taken A Full Analyze Of What Videos About Same Content People Was Uploading And I Got Idea To Make A Brand Video With A Brand Title That Noone Ever Seen On YouTube I Was Really Shocked With A Super Overnight Increase Brothers And Sisters...I Was Soo Happy But Iam Just Talking About This So You Can Do The Same Thing Right Away...

-Now Many Of You Knows About Some Richest YouTube Stars That Make Really BIG Money Right?

But You Can Too Iam Telling You Try It You Guys And Girls Have Nothing To Loose Right?

Look But Remeber Never Copy Your YouTube Name,Videos,Titles,Tags Or Anything Else I DIdnt And I Have Made My Success With More Than 40 Videos...

But We Dont Talk About Me We Talk About Really Sucessfull YouTubers And How Actually They Make Money Right?

There Is Two Sides To Make Money On YouTube Nowadays So First Is:

1.Google Adsense

Google Adsense Is Advertising Revenue Website Where You Can Earn Money Whenever Your Ad That YOu Have Put On Your Videos Or Even Website Is Seen Or CLicked But How To DO It? Wait To get All Answers...

2.Your YouTube Partner

This Is Very Very Usefull Method For Many Like Pewdiepie And Others But Why Do You Need Partnership Its Because Gamers Can't Show Ads Without Partners So Basically When You Have Partnership You Earn On Two Places For One Thing Doing Videos On YouTube Right?

Now Here Is 5 Very Usefull Tips To Make It BIG On YouTube:

1.Make A Brandable Name...

So making A Brandable Name On YouTube(Unique Name That Noone Have) Will Probably Get You A Lot More Audience Then Copying Someone.Choose A Name That WIll Be Good When You Become Famous,Let It Be Easy To Remember And To Spell Like You See (smosh,pewdiepie) All Those Names Are Easy To Remember And Are Cool When You Say It Right?

Also Never Put Any Signs Or Numbers Anything Else But Words Like PewDiePie Just Make It Unique.

2.Make Unique Titles For Your Videos Take Some Time Looking For What People Takes For Title And Description In Their Videos And Try To Make Unique Titles And Descriptions Since YouTube Gives You Only 30 Seconds To See If Your Video/s Are Brandable Or Not Because They Have Robots That Checks That So Loosing A Little Bit More Time On Research Can Get You Famous In Couple Of Months Maybe Not With Millions OF Subscribers But Surely With Couple Of Thousands...

3.Put Only Videos That Noone Seen Before Or if Your YouTube Gamer Then Put Unique Videos About Same Niche Like If Someone Made A Video About Call Of Duty With Something Special You Make Something Special In Video About Call Of Duty Or Battlefield Or Anything You Play Just Never Copy.

And Worry About Your Voice Never Talk Like Usual Make It To be Funnier To Watch And Make Your Voice To Be Uniqe Like How Pewdiepie Does "Hello Everyone My Name Is PEWDIEPIEEEEEEEEE Right?

Its Fun To Hear...

4.Schedule Your Videos Like You Say You Will...

So If You Sad You Will Upload Your Videos Every Day Then Really Upload Them Every Single Day And Dont Miss Even Single One Since Your Subcribers Will Be Waiting For Your Videos Every Day If You Say Every Week Then Every Week Okay...

Also Make A Good Schedule Like Make One Day Videos About Call Of Duty Then Another Day About Battlefield Then Next Day Again About Call Of Duty People Likes To Watch Multiple Things Daily Not Same Tight.Think What You like To Watch On YouTube Every Day Your Subscribers Are Same Right?

5.Tags And Thumbnails.

Tags Are Very Important I had Soo Much Issues With Them Like Not Getting Views My Videos Are Not Shown And Same Shit All the Time...

But Hey Look I Will Reveal You how To Properly Tag!

First if You Made A Video About Call of Duty Gameplay Then Tags Are Like This:

"call" "of" "duty" "Call Of Duty" "Call Of Duty Gameplay" "Call Of Duty Voice Gameplay" "Call of Duty Face Showing Gameplay" "Gameplay" "Walktrough" "Playtrough" "Yout Whole Title Here" "First 3 Words From Description Here" And Last Tag Is Whyt Is Special In Gameplay Like This " Call Of Duty Gameplay level 30 Achieved" For Example Okay So Thats How Is Properly To Tag Believe Me I Did It Like That And Got 3.4 Million Views In 24 Hours Also To be Honest I Got 13.450$ From Adsense Yes 13 thousand and 450 $$$ From Adsense Only And I Got 7500$ From My Partnership "FULLSCREEN"

hehe Now

Thumbnails are very important since people take first view on picture then click on it and make yourslef in same position what pic with same niche you will click on sometimes i click on video taht have 4000 views more likely then on video taht has 400.000 views Why? because i like picture(Thumbnail) More Than In Another Video But They Are Same Why? Pic Is Talking For Itself And believe Me Video Is Even better haha I Know It Sounds Crazy But It Is People Dont Know How To Tag Properly And How To make Uniqe Description So Thats it my Dear Visitors

I Have Revelaed You A YouTube Secret How TO Make It Big On Youtube....

thanks for visiting and hopefully please share this post so that many people can suceed like how you will...

You can earn money by SFIMG.

WHAT IS E-BANKS/Payment Proccessor ? (LIST OF E-BANK)

Payment processors store your money in the form of e currency. E-currency is the online value of your money in the form of dollar or euro etc.These Are 100% Safe.


These payment processors provide a platform to store and spend your money. The Balance can be Store by Lifting money from PTC,PTR,HYIP,etc. Programs. The balance can be spent on various programs like HYIP or Forex or PTC and many more. Or the balance can be used to get a lot of products online and pay through the digital currency rather than credit cards and demand drafts. And for providing such service they charge you some fee on every transaction that is made. The fee is mostly on the money you receive and not on the money you send. This is how digital currencies work.


There are various methods to transfer your balance to your banks. A few online payment processors have direct transfer to your bank account, with a little fee depending on how much you want to transfer. A few more payment processors, don’t have the option of direct wire transfer to your bank instead you can exchange your balance with a lot of exchangers that are available in the site and the exchanger will have his own fee and they will directly deposit it into your account.

If U have Any Queries PLZ....left It in comment box...I'll within 36 hours.