What is FaucetHub?

FaucetHub is a Micro wallet (micro wallet that allows users to store very small coins. FaucetHub is often used as an intermediary to receive money from websites that earn free coins associated with FaucetHub. You can also use FaucetHub to make your digital currency wallet, but we do not recommend it, because it is not known how safe it is.

This is a very useful and essential website for those who want to earn free coins

Why use FaucetHub?

FaucetHub links to a large number of free coin websites today, especially Faucet pages. For these sites, you will not be able to withdraw directly to your wallet or wallets, it is imperative that you withdraw to FaucetHub before you can withdraw to your own wallet or withdraw the floor for sale.

Another reason to use FaucetHub is that during the process of earning free coins on those sites, you can collect coins into a relatively large number and then withdraw the coin to your wallet (on FaucetHub or another linked wallet address). link with FaucetHub) at any time, any quantity immediately.

At FaucetHub lists many free coin search sites in different ways, you can use FaucetHub to search for quality free coin sites that are suitable for you to join.

Currently FaucetHub is supporting many coins including: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Zcash, BitCore, Backcoin, Dash, Peercoin, Primecoin, Potcoin, Tron .

Instructions for registering a FaucetHub account

Step 1: Go to https://faucethub.io/ to go to the FaucetHub home page. Then you enter SIGNUP .

Step 2: Fill in the information on the registration form, respectively: Username (without accent), email, re-enter the email, bitcoin wallet address, password, and re-enter the password. Then tick the agreement with 2 terms below, then confirm captcha by ticking the box "I am not a robot". When you have completed all the information, click Sign up.

Step 3 : Go to check email, you will receive an email sent from FaucetHub, open that email and click on the activation link. If you don't see the FaucetHub email, check the spam mailbox as well.

Instructions for linking your wallet address to FaucetHub

In order for the coins to be returned to the wallet on FaucetHub, you must set up your original wallet, then link your wallet to FaucetHub. When you need to be able to withdraw that coin to your real original wallet address, this step will take transaction fees and wait for time to confirm the block like any other normal transaction. When withdrawing coins from the wallet on FaucetHub on the original wallet, you should accumulate a lot of money to withdraw it, because if too little it may not be enough to pay for the transaction fee (refer to: https: // faucethub. io / fees ).

How to link wallet addresses to FaucetHub you do the following:

Go to User Dashboard in USER + section and then into Wallet Addresses . Here, you paste the wallet address where you need to link to " Link a New Address " and select the type of money currently linked to the " Currency " (you need to use the currency of your wallet to choose the correct currency. That's it). Then click on Link This Address to proceed with the link.

If the link is successful, you will see a blue message text like the image below:

Each coin you make is the same as above ...

Then you scroll down below to see all the wallet addresses of all linked electronic currencies. You can click Stats to view balance statistics and click Unlink to cancel the link if you want.

Note : With your wallet address associated with FaucetHub as in this section, they will only be used to collect coins from pages linked to FaucetHub only. You can't use it to top up FaucetHub wallet! To deposit (transfer money) into the FaucetHub wallet you need to create the address of the coin wallet provided by FaucetHub. You create the FaucetHub wallet as follows:

Go to User Dashboard in USER + and then Deposit . Then scroll down to find the coin you want to get your wallet address, if that coin has not been opened, then click on "Generate ABC Address" (where ABC is the corresponding coin name), you will see the wallet address opened. You only need to open it once, the next time you see it, you will see your wallet

Once you have obtained the address on the Faucet, you can use it to deposit on FaucetHub and withdraw money to FaucetHub from coin and digging sites.

Instructions for withdrawing coins from FaucetHub to your wallet (linked wallet).

To withdraw a coin from FaucetHub about a linked wallet, do the following:

Step 1 : Go to the User Dashboard section of USER + section and then Withdraw then select the coin you want to withdraw.

Step 2 : Select the address you need to withdraw in ABC Address - ABC is the coin name (Note: the wallet address must be linked to FaucetHub to be displayed for you to choose), then enter the number of coins you want to withdraw in the Amount field . Check on Expedite this withdraw ... if you want to quickly withdraw the day, it will take a small fee, but if you do not choose this, your coin will have to wait for 1-2 days to be processed. Then click on Submit Withdraw Request to proceed with the withdrawal. So, if the withdrawal is successful, your job is to wait for the coin to return to your wallet.

A guide to viewing the list of free coin pages listed on FaucetHub

To view the list of coin free websites listed on the Faucet, go to SITES and see a list of many free coin search sites in different ways. You can choose the coin you want to earn for free (Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin ...), choose free forms of search like Fauset, Game, Gambling, PTC, mining ...

At the same time you will see a list of free coin search sites right below. To access the corresponding website, click Visit .

In the list of pages for free coins, you can view the statistics for each page such as: Added (date added), Raward (number of bonus coins), Timer (time per reward), Paid This Week (amount paid during the week), Users (number of users), Health (the health of the site).

However, you should follow THIS LINK to get the free coin sites that I have tested and loved ...

Good luck!