June 4, 2010
Post date: Jun 05, 2010 3:48:24 AM
Went to get my bone scan done for reference since the steroids I am taking can cause bone loss after long term use. Caroline Smith watched the boys to make things easier for us since we also planned to go to Toyota of Greer in person since they were not returning our phone calls. The guy who was supposedly looking into getting us the certification (which will give us a warranty through the end of the year so we can cancel the extended warranty) was not working there anymore. I don't believe he was doing anything. I think he was stalling until he left. The guy we talked to when we arrived today was the same guy who "sold" us the warranty even though he said he was giving it to us. I explained this a while ago on a previous post. This guy is not a very nice person. He is argumentative and accusatory. I became frustrated and said that I was going to call the BBB, Toyota Corp and Consumer Affairs. He sent me to an office to cancel the extended warranty and I asked to see the general manager. They sent us the general sales manager. Finally someone who knew what they were talking about and had the power to do something. He actually apologized for everything and got us the certification we wanted. I have a feeling that we finally got somewhere because I threatened to call those agencies and because I mentioned that we had been unable to come by recently due to my transplant. Either way, I praise the Lord for taking care of this for us and taking this off of my mind. By cancelling the warranty, the maintenance program and the useless road hazard (it won't cover tires that are below a certain thread and the tires that are on it are below that thread) we took off at least a year and a half from the loan. The loan should be paid off in 3.5 years instead of 5.
The 250gb hard drive on the kids computer is fried. This was our only windows computer in the house since I have Ubuntu installed on our main computer. I copied the drive a year ago which has saved a lot from being lost but I just realized tonight while I was setting everything up again that I had our 2009 taxes on it. I will have to check but I don't believe I saved them anywhere else. C'est la vie when it comes to computers - if you don't backup frequently, you lose.