April 15, 2010

Post date: Apr 15, 2010 8:48:56 PM

I got my lab results today and everything is good, except my creatinine of course. Although even it is a litter lower than last month. Every month I continue to receive this blessing from God that I do not have to go on dialysis.

Our minivan is at Mazda for service today. The transmission range sensor switch is being replaced. When I last called them at 4:45pm, they did not receive the part yet. I hope they are able to fix it today since we had to rent a car for Becky.

Timothy and Arabella's therapist group are having a parents night out this Friday so Becky and I can go out and enjoy an evening without the kids. We still have not decided where we are going out to eat but it really doesn't matter, being alone without the kids is the best part.

Arabella is going to have her tube replaced with a port this Tuesday. We are also going to have the surgeon look at a small cyst that she has on her chest. I guess it is a remnant of her thyroid which starts out in the heart when the baby is first developing in the womb, and moves up to its final place beneath the tongue. It's good that this is being caught early so it should not be a big issue.

Well, Becky is here so we can go to Mazda and see what happens. See you next time.