June 2, 2010

Post date: Jun 03, 2010 2:35:43 AM

I would like to tell you how great of a wife I have. Being home more has really shown me what she has on her plate plus what has been added by my recent event. She has a neuro-muscular disease (CMT) which affects her extremities with weakness and pain. It has also affected her jaw greatly which the dentists can't seem to figure out how to treat. Her CMT and jaw pain don't let her get a lot of sleep either. There are numerous appointments for Timothy and Arabella with therapies and doctors to keep straight along with trying to run a household and figure out what everyone is going to eat. You never know what or if Timothy will eat and Arabella has to be hooked up with her feeding tube 5 times a day. Added to all of this is me not being allowed to do a whole lot and driving me around town and to Charleston. It's like adding another special needs person to the family! I praise the Lord that he has given her to me and my family. I don't praise her very often due to my obliviousness to all of this sometimes. So I am praising her to everyone who reads this and pray that the Lord continues to give her his strength and that He would resolve some of these issues for her.

In other news, I found out that my creatinine has gone down again to 1.7. They have also reduced my Prograf dose and my hands and fingers are not burning as much. I think that the Prograf is the culprit but I can live with it since it is protecting my new kidney. I go for labs tomorrow at GHS at 8am and hopefully they will do them even though we don't have a pre-cert from BlueChoice yet.

Matthew did very well with his first piano lesson yesterday. The teacher said he has a good ear. I don't know where he could have got that from ;-). I saw a wet spot on the ceiling last night and went up in the attic this morning to see what I could see. The plumbing vent has a cracked seal where it protrudes through the roof. We called our Pastor and his son Tim is coming over tomorrow to see what he can do to fix it.