The Mythic Worm

Post date: Nov 14, 2013 5:25:14 PM

A distant relation to the purple worm, the Mythic Worm is a mile long and square with one large many rowed diamond toothed mouth, surrounded by diamond toothed tendrils which help shovel rock into it's mouth. It is worshiped as a god by many of those who have encountered it, though it grants no spells, and may be related to the elder gods. It finds gems, metals, and organic material inedible. Being highly magical it leaves those behind changed into such things as doors, traps, coins, and even living creatures. When it finds a particularly good bit of rock it will carve larger chambers out. It prefers areas near the surface, though it has been known to carve out areas reaching much further down. When it has eaten everything in an area it finds delicious it moves on leaving a very long tunnel to other such leavings. It has been surmised that the Mythic Worm was created by an elder god who wanted a rather large dungeon for some purpose, and didn't bother de-activating it after it was done, and it just wandered off eating tasy rock and leaving dungeons about.