The Equip-O-Tron

Post date: Aug 8, 2013 9:36:45 PM

Each 10gp gets you a roll on the euip-o-tron

The Equip-O-Tron!

d100 Gear Cost Weight

1-2 Blanket, winter 5 3

3-4 Block and tackle 5 5

5-6 Book, Blank with ink & quil 23.1 3

7-8 Bottle, wine, glass 2 0.5

9-10 Candles (10) 0.1 0

11-12 Cart 100 0

13-14 Case, map, with paper, ink & quill 9.5 0.5

15-16 Chain (10 ft.) 30 2

17-18 Crowbar 2 5

19-20 Flask (empty) 3 1.5

21-22 Garlic (3 cloves) 5 0.1

23-24 Grappling hook 1 4

25-26 Walking Staff (Quarterstaff) 2 4

27-28 Holy Symbol, Silver 25 0.1

29-30 Holy Symbol, Wooden 1 0.1

31-32 Holy Water (Flask) 25 1

33-34 Ladder, 10-foot 5 20

35-36 Lantern & 3 flasks of oil 9 6

37-38 Lock 20 1

39-40 Manacles with lock 35 3

41-42 Mirror, small steel 10 0.5

43-44 Oil (1-pint flask) 0.1 1

45-46 Parchment, Ink & Quill 8.3 0

47-48 Pick, miner’s 3 10

49-50 Pole, 10-foot wooden 0.2 8

51-52 Rations, unpreserved (per day) 0.2 1

53-54 Rations, trail (per day, preserved) 0.5 1

55-56 Rope, silk (50 ft.) 10 5

57-58 Sack, large (empty) 0.2 0.5

59-60 Sack, small (empty) 0.1 0.5

61-62 Spade or shovel 2 8

63-64 Spikes, iron (12), with hammer 1.5 11

65-66 Spyglass 15 1

67-68 Stakes, Wooden (4), with light hammer 0.56 3

69-70 Vial 1 0.1

71-72 Wine (2 pints) 1 0.5

73-74 Wolvesbane (fist full) 10 0

75-76 Dog 0.3

77-78 Dog, guard 25

79-80 Donkey 8

81-82 Pony 30

83-84 Mule 30

85-86 Horse, draft 40

87-88 Horse, riding with saddle & bag 101

89-90 Canoe 55 50

91-92 Wound Salve 50 0.1

93-94 Walking Stick (Club) 3 3

95-96 Knife (Dagger, Silver) 30 2

97-98 Axe, hand 1 3

99-100 Feed (1 day) 0.05