T1 Magic Item Frequency Analysis

Post date: Oct 28, 2013 9:08:58 PM

It's been suggested that G1 is a tourney module, so just loads down with magic items, and B2 isn't even for AD&D (though as a starter module for Holmes it could be expected to lead into AD&D. So I'm checking T1. I'm just going over the moathouse, the villiage itself is perhaps an even better, but more dangerous place to get magic items if the party gets embroiled in things there, or decides to go raiding. There is an NPCs for hire of note that has 4 magic-items each which could easily fall into the hands of the PCs should he join them and die somewhere in their adventure, another with 2. There are a couple more with even more magic items, but are harder to get into the party, and a couple more with 6 more items total that will likely take up arms against the party at some point. This does more closely resemble the NPC section of the DMG adding to the number of items. Grand total of 17 magic items that could easily end up in the hands of the PCs not counting any that could be got by stealing or looting the town.

But on to the Moathouse. There are 9 magic items. #1 4 +1 arrows (counted as 1) , #2 +1 shield, #3 elven cloak, #4 magic user scroll, #5 potion of undead control, #6 scroll of protection, #7 +1 plate, #8 staff of striking, #9 phylactery of action.

There's 21 areas of note out of 35. 9 of 21 areas is 42%.