Justisaur's Dragon Gods 4e D&D Campaign

Started 3-16-09


The game is pretty much defunct for a year, so using this for current things going on. Attached 2e Gods for use by Keith



A sickly horse



Total XP: 10418


293 A ritual book containing: Skull Watch, Magic Circle, Phantom Steed, Wizard's Sight



The Dwarven Thieves Guild

A bunch of traps

Eluron, Theif Guild Master Shadow Dwarf

Deurgar Cultists

Deurgar Dhampyr

Total XP 9780

Treasure Share: 1430

Campaign Total to Date: 5265.39

2600 Gold & Gems

20 [Level 7] Potion of Mimicry (Adventurer`s Vault p.188)

20 [Level 7] Potion of Lifeshield (Adventurer`s Vault p.188)

40 [Level 10] Jolt Flask (Adventurer`s Vault p.28), 500 gp

840 [Level 9] Map of Orienteering (Adventurer`s Vault p. 175)

1000 [Level 10] Cap of Water Breathing (Adventurer`s Vault p. 138)

520 [Level 7] Staff of Expansion +2 (Dragon 365 p. 58)

680 [Level 8] Diadem of Acuity (Player`s Handbook p. 248)



Large White Dragon and a bunch of Dwarves.




Total XP 8066

Treasure Share: 898.5

Campaign Total to Date: 3835.39

840 Vampiric Longsword +2 (sold)

600 Junk & gold

50 Half a Large Dragon Carcass

2000 Reward for White Dragons.

84 Reward for Ghoul Heads

20 (2) Potion of Healing

? Ring of the Ghast King



White Dragons

More White Dragons

Yet More White Dragons, some not even hatched yet

Treacherous Ice Sheet

Party ran away from Large White Dragon.

Total XP 6776

Treasure Share: 413.25

Campaign Total to Date: 2936.89


40 Dragon Carcasses (sold)

520 Dwarven Scale Armor +2 (Snake)

360 Heroic Belt of Endurance +2 (Six)

680 Safewing Amulet +2 (Six)

20 Elixer of Red Dragonbreath (Used)

8 Potion of Resistance Cold (Six)

25 Dragonfire Tar

32 Fire Blastpatch



High-Explosive Orangutan Demon

Dwarf Pox

Chatterbox Wannabe Wizardess Apprentice

3 rather small white dragons

Total XP 5913

Treasure Share: 0

Campaign Total to Date: 2523.64 gp ea



3 Bloody Pass Werewolves and a Grey Wolf after Thurgood fell down a cliff

1 More Bloody Pass Werewolf after Snake came to the rescue

Ran away from some territorial Anklyosaurs.

Some ghosts one of whom took a particular liking Sofarita's body.

A witch and her undead hoard.

Snake convinced the party to break out a convicted arsonist and murderer and kidnap her daughter, then the party regaled her with how they were going to kill her and leave her daughter alone somewhere in the bog, after which they buggered off.

Total XP 5131

Treasure Share 730 gp

Campaign Total to Date: 2523.64 gp ea


1870gp of junk and money

10gp ea., 2 potion of healing

360gp Quarterstaff +2

680gp Leather Elven Battle Armor +2

520gp Orb of Indisputable Gravity +2



Black Scimitar Orc Raiders

Extorted Mayor

Skillgalen keeps the party out of the Dust Devils

Six defeats a Small Child

Intimidate Cletus

Intimidate Cletus again

Cleatus who exploded in a flash of darkness when killed, and a couple Cowboys

A Salad

Thurgood Makes Some Plans for Defense of Le Meck

Paid Off some Bandits

Total XP: 4099

Treasure Share: 443.4 gp (200 only good in Le Meck)

Campaign Total to Date: 1833.64 gp ea


104gp ea 3 Vicious +1 Greataxes

360gp +2 Holy Symbol of Xeosia

500gp worth of coin from Black Scimitar Raiders.

1000gp in trade Extorted from Mayor Westwood of Le Meck

15gp ea 3 Riding Horses



Kobold Ninjas

Young Green Dragon at that awkward age named Fugu. Party presents it's head and is greeted by a resounding round of "It's rather small"

Started Assault on the Black Scimitar Orc Raiders in until recently abandoned keep. Party stood at door discussing local politics and the penal system at length alerting the Orcs as to thier iminant pink slipping.

Party tried to decide on name for selves: "Ghost Hamsters, Wetbacks, Mumbly *cough* *cough*, The Cleanup Brigade, or Star Bucks." The locals call them "Dragon Chum"

Total XP: 2326

Treasure Share: 221.44 GP

Campaign Total to Date 1390.24


815.2 Junk, Money, Gems and Dragon Parts

10gp Potion of Healing (Player`s Handbook p.255)

10gp Potion of Healing (Player`s Handbook p.255)

136 gp Deathcut +1 Leather Armor (Player`s Handbook p. 228, Player`s Handbook p. 214) - Sofarita

136 gp Light Shield of Protection Shield (Player`s Handbook p. 245)




Horde o' Rats

Bigger Rats who ate the bartender, the crazy cat lady, and her cats.

Pony thievin' Goblins. Six punched a rancher in the widdershins, making his daughter cry, to free one of them they captured, endearing her to the town.

Wolves who now know what 'cruelty to animals' means.

Total XP: 1794

Treasure Share: 28 GP.

Campain Total Share 1168 GP, 8 SP.


10gp Potion of Healing (Player`s Handbook p.255)

130gp Junk, Money & Gems



Horde of Kobolds

Thier 'pet' dragons

The "Dragon" (Marionettus Horbillus), and It's Master.

A Tree

Total XP: 1148

Treasure Share: 1140 GP, 8 SP (1000 GP only good in Le Meck)


5000 gp merchant credit

350 gp from Junk, Money, Gems.

104gp Resounding Weapon +1 Spear (Player`s Handbookp.236)

10gp Potion of Healing (Player`s Handbook p.255)

10gp Potion of Healing (Player`s Handbook p.255)

104gp Indomitable Resolve +1 Cloth Armor (Player`s Handbook 2 p. 201, Player`s Handbook p. 214)

136gp Ray of Enfeeblement +1 Wand (Player’s Handbook p. 244)


Left as Dragon Chum by Mayor Easthill


Kobold Chefs

Kobold Slavers

More Kobolds

The "Dragon" (Pantomimus Koboldus)

Yet More Kobolds

Total XP: 538

Treasure: Some old rusty dirty smelly, worn, with holes and chewed on equipment, some of it the party's recovered gear.