Restorative Justice in the Cinema

Fecha de publicación: 24-ene-2013 13:22:43

I love movies, I admit that for me the classics are the best but we cannot dismiss modern films. Movies always give me some teaching and I have decided to join two of my passions in an article like this: movies and restorative justice? Imagination? Not at all. It all started with Django Unchained, an action movie with a lot of blood, typical of Tarantino, and the fact is that one enjoys when we see suffering bad men, I was comforted and laughing when the protagonist was slowly getting his revenge and "bad "are punished. I liked the movie, I do not deny it and when I got home, I began to reflect and wondered: do I really believe in restorative justice?

Because this movie is clearly the opposite: retributive, promotes vengeance and eye for an eye. The answer is easy, of course I believe in restorative justice, this is the good thing this justice has, when harm and suffering happen, the normal human reaction is the desire of revenge but this more humane restorative justice goes beyond revenge because at the end it does not satisfy the victims and does not provide their total healing. This justice is not talking about being soft with offenders; the offender is confronted with his criminal action and especially revalues the role of victim. She is the main concern, of course not forgetting the punishment of the culprit if necessary. What happens to us when watching movies like this, is empathy, yes indeed as human beings, most of us are sympathetic to the pain of others, we put in place of others and revenge is part of a way to channel the hurt and anger of having been a crime or an unjust action. Continue reading:¿justicia-restaurativa-en-el-cine/2501-¿justicia-restaurativa-en-el-cine