Veni redemptor gentium

Post date: Oct 1, 2009 2:44:04 AM

The original Latin version of this text is attributed to St. Ambrose. Bach uses it in three of his surviving cantatas (BWV 61, 62, and 36). The German translation of the Latin text is by Luther.

For something completely different, check out the performance by Horowitz of Busoni's piano transcription of Bach's organ prelude BWV 659 of "Nun kommt der Heiden Heiland", and the performance by Nanni of Kempf's piano transcription of the same. Bach composed three versions of this chorale as organ preludes in his collection "Die Achtzehn Grossen Orgelchoräle BWV 651-668" , performed as a group by Lionel Rogg, here: (BWV 659, 660 and 661). In addition, Bach composed another version of this chorale for organ, in a completely different vein: BWV 559.