
Post date: Dec 1, 2011 12:14:05 AM

Hi Singers!

Great work! I am so pleased with how things are coming together.

I still need volunteers to sell and take tickets at the door. If you know of anyone who can help with this, please let me know.

Here's the schedule, as far as chorus is concerned:

Thu, Dec 1, evening

6:45 PM - chorus call

7:00 Choral and orchestral movements (BWV 60:5, BWV 80:1, BWV 80:5, BWV 80:8)

8:00-ish soloist and orchestra rehearsal continues

Fri, Dec 2, evening - chorus free

Sat, Dec 3, morning

10:45 vocal and instrument soloist call, and continuo group

11:15 chorus call

11:00 BWV 60:5, BWV 80:1, BWV 80:5, BWV 80:8, musical examples

12:05 BWV 60:1 - Patricia, Jay, tutti orchestra

12:25 break (chorus excused)

12:35 soloist and orchestra rehearsal continues

Sat, Dec 3, evening

6:45 - call for stage hands and reception folks - set stage and fellowship hall (doors will open at 6)

7:15 - soloist, chorus, orchestra call; meet in rooms downstairs

8:00 Performance; order is BWV 60, BWV 861b (instrumental piece for double reeds), BWV 80

reception following, will need help striking set

Sat, Dec 4, afternoon

1:15 call for stage hands and reception folks - set stage and fellowship hall

2:30 - soloist, chorus, orchestra call; meet in rooms downstairs

3:00 Performance; order is BWV 60, BWV 861b (instrumental piece for double reeds), BWV 80

reception following, will need help striking set

Cheers, and see you at rehearsal.


PS: At this point, I am still undecided if we will perform the Hallelujah Chorus during the Dec 3 and 4 concerts.

PPS: Next Monday, Dec 5, we will continue with Handel Messiah rehearsals, at Resurrection Lutheran, at 7 PM. See you there too!