Audio and midi files

Downloadable audio (practice) files:

We will have practice CDs available at rehearsal, but here's where you can download them:

Monteverdi Vespers (in preparation)

Downloadable midi files:

For the computer savvy, here are some draft midi files for download. These have not been reviewed for accuracy, or adapted yet for our performances. (Some redistribution and reallocation of the vocal parts is inevitable, especially for the Monteverdi Vespers).

A fairly good midi renderer (for PCs), that can scroll the music score as it plays, is available by clicking here.

Rutter Mass of the Children (from John Hooper's midi website - click here for a zipfile with all of the midi files)

Monteverdi Vespers (from John Hooper's midi website - click here for a zipfile with all of the midi files)