Yamagishi et al. (2016)

投稿日: May 02, 2016 11:55:20 PM

Yamagishi, T. (山岸俊男), Takagishi, H.(高岸治人), Fermin, A. S. R., Kanai, R., Li, Y.(李楊), & Matsumoto, Y.(松本良恵) (2016).

Cortical thickness of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex predicts strategic choices in economic games.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

doi: 10.1073/pnas.1523940113

Human prosociality has been traditionally explained in the social sciences in terms of internalized social norms. Recent neuroscientific studies extended this traditional view of human prosociality by providing evidence that prosocial choices in economic games require cognitive control of the impulsive pursuit of self-interest. However, this view is challenged by an intuitive prosociality view emphasizing the spontaneous and heuristic basis of prosocial choices in economic games. We assessed the brain structure of 411 players of an ultimatum game (UG) and a dictator game (DG) and measured the strategic reasoning ability of 386. According to the reflective norm-enforcement view of prosociality, only those capable of strategically controlling their selfish impulses give a fair share in the UG, but cognitive control capability should not affect behavior in the DG. Conversely, we support the intuitive prosociality view by showing for the first time, to our knowledge, that strategic reasoning and cortical thickness of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex were not related to giving in the UG but were negatively related to giving in the DG. This implies that the uncontrolled choice in the DG is prosocial rather than selfish, and those who have a thicker dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and are capable of strategic reasoning (goal-directed use of the theory of mind) control this intuitive drive for prosociality as a means to maximize reward when there are no future implications of choices.

プレスリリース:玉川大学脳科学研究所 -- 人々は直感的に利他的に振る舞う 利他的な人ほど背外側前頭前野の皮質が薄いことを発見 -- 米国の科学雑誌“米国科学アカデミー紀要(オンライン版)”に論文を発表