Barlett et al. (2014)

投稿日: Feb 10, 2014 11:56:50 AM

Barlett, C. P., Gentile, D. A., Anderson, C. A., Suzuki, K. (鈴木香苗), Sakamoto, A.(坂元章), Yamaoka, A.(山岡あゆち), & Katsura, R.(桂瑠以) (2014).

Cross-Cultural Differences in Cyberbullying Behavior A Short-Term Longitudinal Study.

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(2), 300-313.

doi: 10.1177/0022022113504622

The current study tested the relation between culture and cyberbullying using a short-term longitudinal research design. College-aged participants from the United States (n = 293) and Japan (n = 722) completed several questionnaires at Wave 1 that measured cyberbullying frequency, cyberbullying reinforcement, positive attitudes toward cyberbullying, and interdependent self-construal. Approximately 2 months later, participants completed the cyberbullying frequency questionnaire again. Results showed higher levels of cyberbullying change for the U.S. sample compared with the Japanese sample. Follow-up analyses showed that cyberbullying reinforcement and interdependent self-construal moderated this effect. Specifically, cyberbullying change was the highest (showing an increase over time) for the U.S. sample when reinforcement was highest and when interdependent self-construal was the lowest. Theoretical implications are discussed.