Tabuchi et al.(in press)

投稿日: Oct 09, 2013 10:20:8 PM

Tabuchi, M.(田渕恵), Nakagawa, T., Miura, A.(三浦麻子), & Gondo, Y. (in press).

Generativity and Interaction between the Old and Young: The Role of Perceived Respect and Perceived Reject.

The Gerontologist. First published online: November 22, 2013

doi: 10.1093/geront/gnt135

Purpose of the Study: We examined the relationships among development of generativity, generative acts, and psychological well-being in old age and the possible mediating effects of perceived rejection and respect from younger generations. We hypothesized that generative action would not lead to well-being unless responding elders perceived respect from younger generations, and, further, that perceived respect would predict the development of generativity.

Design and Methods: In Study 1, we sampled 252 older persons to verify our hypothetical model in a cross-sectional survey. We assessed generative concern, generative action, perceived rejection from younger people, and psychological well-being. In Study 2, the same measures and a new scale to measure perceived respect from younger people were administered in a longitudinal survey. Four hundred older adults responded at two time points 12 months apart.

Results: Path analysis showed that the effect of generative action on ill-being was mediated by perceived rejection and respect from younger generations. Perceived respect from younger generations at baseline predicted an increase in generative concern 12 months later.

Implications: The results suggest that positive intergenerational interaction leads to generativity development and better well-being in old age.
