Shimizu et al.(2016)

投稿日: Feb 15, 2016 9:58:21 AM

Shimizu, M., Niiya, Y.(新谷優), & Shigemasu, E.(繁桝江里) (2016).

Achievement goals and improvement following failure: moderating roles of self-compassion and contingency of self-worth.

Self and Identity, 15(1), 107-115.


We examined whether mastery goals promote greater score improvement on a cognitive test than performance goals and whether self-compassion and contingency of self-worth moderated the effect. Participants received either mastery or performance goals manipulation, failed on a difficult test, and took the test again after receiving the correct answers. Those with mastery goals showed a greater score improvement than those with performance goals, although post-failure state self-esteem did not differ between the two conditions. Moreover, the goals had a greater effect among (a) those with low rather than high self-compassion and (b) those with high rather than low competition contingency of self-worth. The findings suggest that by framing the task as a challenge rather than a threat, mastery goals encourage people to learn from failure more so than performance goals, especially when under high ego-threat.