Boase et al.(2015)

投稿日: Jun 03, 2015 5:12:58 AM

Boase, J., Kobayashi, T.(小林哲郎), Schrock, A., Suzuki, T., & Suzuki, T.(鈴木貴久) (2015).

Reconnecting here and there: The reactivation of dormant ties in the US and Japan.

American Behavioral Scientist.

This article examines the reactivation of dormant ties in Japan and the United States. Using the institutional approach to culture developed by Yamagishi et al., it is hypothesized that respondents living in Japan will be less likely to reconnect with dormant ties when prompted than respondents living in the United States. It is further hypothesized that interaction with kin and work ties will help to explain lower levels of reconnection in Japan than in the United States. To examine these hypotheses, we developed a field experiment in which 95 adults living in Japan and 68 adults living in the United States were prompted by a smartphone application to reconnect with dormant ties. The results of this study show strong support for the hypothesis that respondents living in Japan are less likely to reconnect with dormant ties than respondents living in the United States when prompted. There is also mixed support for the hypothesis that interaction with kin and work ties helps to explain lower levels of reconnection in Japan than in the United States.