Want to be mentored?

I mentor people because I want to give them the chance that I never got as a gifted kid growing up in Dubai in the 90s, and because I really, really enjoy working with gifted children.

However you define gifted, one of the biggest problems we face is not having the support to reach our potential. Schools work well for the average person, and not so well for those above average and below average. I think that gifted children need a life coach even more than the average child, and are better equipped to benefit more from one.

I think that teachers are important: that’s why every one of my college professors has a bio on my site. Your child deserves a chance to experience what it's like to have a teacher that is on his or her level before they get to university - and, depending on what university they go to, they may never

You can read more about my mentoring philosophy here, and my education and experiences in their respective menus.

If you have a high-performing child between the ages of 10 and 16 that you want to be considered for a mentoring program, send me a text at +971-55-907-3522. (I don't list my email here in order to avoid spam.)

If you're smart enough to figure out how to see the white text (or you're reading this off of a search engine digest), be advised that all text in white on this page is written to help me organize my thoughts, and are not mature. I have to second guess myself a little bit before this gets the 'black and white' treatment.

Compensation is variable depending on the family's ability to pay: people who can benefit

Sample Rates: Rates are based on monthly family income: Note: These rates are just a thought process right now

100,000 Dh or more: 500 per hour.

50,000-100,000 Dh.: 250 per hour.

25,000-50,000 Dh: 150 per hour.

Less than 25,000 Dh.: 80 per hour.

Exceptional students with families in financial need: Free.

Discounts based on need.

A full 50% of my mentees are taken on at no cost