Commentary on original text:
1. "Our mission is to (<-redundant) connect resource providers to end users in areas of need by focusing on accomplishment of the following strategic initiatives:
2. - Develop a humanitarian operations resource network.
3. - Mobilize action-oriented coalitions of related practitioners.
- What are you mobilizing them towards? If they're action oriented, it seems like they're already mobilized. If they're related practitioners, it seems that they are already mobilized in the same area that you are. You can't mobilize them to do action, and you can't mobilize them towards a certain goal, then what can you mobilize them to/for? Or is the "coalition" part the important part? - I.e. there are groups working in these areas, but they are not working together. I would suggest removing the term "coalition" and replacing it with "partnership", and removing the term "Mobilize" to replace it with "Develop"Not every word has to be different: sometimes the same word can be used twice because it is the best word for the job. Even better, change the phrase "related practitioners" to something that tells people precisely what that means.
4. - Facilitate the development of stakeholder and societal sector networks. Replace "societal" with "Social," since the additional connotations of "social" are be important here.
Commentary and explanatory remarks are interspersed throughout the document in white text: drag the mouse over white areas to see the comments. - It's instant, reversible lemon juice, but may mess with search engine crawlers - and don't EVER think that white text on a white background is a substitute for encryption.
1. Analyses
Comments in white emulate a PR consultant.
The initiatives that HISG undertakes conform to its Purpose, Vision, and Strategic Initiatives. This information is provided to show how HISG's activities relate to its underlying strategy. - Original Statement: "The Purpose, Vision, Mission and Strategic Initiatives for HISG provide the foundation and focus for all activities and initiatives undertaken by the organization. This information is being provided to show the relationship between the underlying strategy and all the accomplishments listed."
1. HISG exists to facilitate collaboration for sustainable development and disaster response operations.
2. HISG exists to connect resource providers to end users in areas of need. Original text continued with: "within and across impacted sectors in regions where we operate." - This section was superfluous. "Within and across" is communicated by the previous use of the word, "collaboration," and "in regions where we operate" is just dross: it adds nothing to the sentence: "Facilitating collaboration for sustainable development and disaster response operations in regions where we operate."
HISG's vision is to establish a stable environment with sustainable solutions that benefit the indigenous population. - Original Text: "Our vision is to (repetition) establish a stable environment with sustainable solutions that benefit the indigenous population." (does the choice of words in"the indigenous population" have imperialistic connotations? If so, does dropping the definite article and making "population" plural make it more palatable? On the other hand, "of the area in which we work" is implied by the statement, "the indigenous population", so this sentence does make sense.
- Develop a humanitarian operations resource network. - What is that? What does it do? You don't need to tell right here, but you should link to whatever site does tell how a "humanitarian operations resource network" fits in with your purpose and mission. I imagine that it is a network from which to draw resources.
- Facilitate the development of stakeholder and social sector networks.
Definitions: Stakeholders: People who hold power in the areas that HISG works in.
Social Sector Networks: Organizations, communities, and informal groups that are occupied with matters related to human welfare.
- Establish a global network of local community and regional coordination centers. Yes! The second strategic initiative that made sense!
- Organize networking and training venues. - Awesome. Clear and concise. Tells people what you are doing.
This is an experiment in using Google sites, rather than Google docs, to process information.
- No extra steps needed to publish to the web.
- Suitability for mass distribution is built into the document.
- Must ensure that all information is suitable for sharing with the entire internet.
- Possible increase in chance that unsuitable information will be released.
The "Analysis" section rewords HISG's statements but attempts to retain the original meaning of HISG's Purpose & Vision Statements.
The "Suggestions" section is the result of the analysis.
Sorry, no hidden analysis here! Everything I want to say in this section is in black text under the findings:)
2. Suggestions
1. Fold the "Mission" statement into HISG's Purpose statement.
As it stands, the mission statement and purpose statement are not mutually exclusive.
1. The Purpose statement describes HISG's role amidst the many organizations dedicated to sustainable development and disaster response operations.
2. The Vision statement describes HISG's goal in its own words.
3. The Strategic Initiatives detail how HISG plans to pursue its vision.
2. Decide which purpose best describe's the organization's operations.
1. An HISG whose primary operational goal is to facilitate collaboration for sustainable development and disaster response operations will probably act as a peer-instigator. People with deep experience in Sus.D. and disaster response will be brought on board to help network with other organizations. The organizations influence will depend on the credibility of its networking team, and be limited to the personal relationships built by the team.
2. An HISG whose primary operational goal is to connect resource providers to end users in areas of need will probably act as an information clearing-house: Researchers identify resource providers and areas of need, then look for unconnected or inefficient use of resources. Networkers make connections and inform about areas where resources' impact and effectiveness can be maximized. Facilitators organize training for people on both ends of the disconnect.
Database Design
HISG's development of its Global Information Center indicates that the organization is interested in building networking infrastructure beyond networkers, but GIC is only focused on disaster response. A parallel effort to provide information for Global Development Efforts would round out HISG's operations.
- Josh Penman, January 2010
Brainstorm: Should HISG aim to become the Google of sustainable development and disaster response? Or should it use Google and simply get its ad-words in the right place? Would a Wiki serve its needs?
societal - relating to human society and its members; "social institutions"; "societal evolution"; "societal forces"; "social legislation
Adj. 1c. social - Of or relating to human society and its modes of organization; Of, relating to, or occupied with matters affecting human welfare
- What are stakeholder and social sector networks? Are the stakeholders those people who hold power in the regions HISG works in? And is the "social" sector those organizations, communities, and residents that seek solutions to problems that affect human welfare? Perhaps a quick definition of the words would be useful here.