TNDY 405D - Knowledge Management & Social Media. Lorne Olfman


Lorne Olfman, Professor

Co-Director of the Social Leaning Software Lab (SL²)

Lorne’s research interests include:

  • how software can be learned and used in organizations,

  • the impact of computer-based systems on knowledge management,

  • the design and adoption of systems used for group work.

Knowledge management refers to the way organizations gather, manage, and use the knowledge they acquire. Knowledge is created and stored in both quantitative and qualitative forms. Topics covered:

  • tacit and explicit knowledge,

  • strategic use of knowledge,

  • technologies for managing knowledge,

  • people and cultural issues related to knowledge management,

  • implementation of knowledge management systems, and

  • assessment of the value of knowledge management to an organization.

Social media are web-based technologies that enable creation and sharing of qualitative knowledge through dialogues between individuals who are members of organizations and communities (as well as personal relationships which are not the topic of this course). Topics covered include

  • the mechanics of various social technologies,

    • including blogs, wikis, and discussion boards;

  • the range of social technologies that are available and

    • the range of capabilities they possess;

  • how social technologies can be used effectively in knowledge management

  • how social technologies can be modified to enhance their usability.

A collaborative project will be a key part of the requirements of the course.

Along with Terry Ryan, Lorne co-directs the Social Learning Software Lab ([SL]2). A key component of Lorne’s teaching is his involvement with doctoral students; he has supervised 51 students to completion and has served as a member, examiner and opponent on 70 other completed dissertations.

Lorne Olfman is a Professor in the Center for Information Systems and Technology at Claremont Graduate University (CGU), He came to Claremont in 1987 after graduating with a PhD in Business (Management Information Systems) from Indiana University (IU). He also holds an MBA (from IU), an MA in Economics and a BSc in Computing Science (both from the University of Calgary). Lorne worked in the public and private sectors in Canada for 10 years before entering the PhD program.

As an active member of the Information Systems community, Lorne has co-authored 150 refereed articles including 53 in journals, 28 as book chapters, and 69 as conference papers.

  • Former Dean of the School of Information Systems and Technology,

  • 2003-2012, Fletcher Jones Chair in Technology Management.

  • Program Chair and then Conference Chair for ACM SIGMIS, served on many international conference committees, co-chaired mini-tracks at HICSS and served on the HICSS IS Advisory Board.

  • He has also served on a variety of editorial boards, and is currently a Senior Editor of the AIS Transactions on Human Computer Interaction.

  • Co-chair of the Doctoral Consortium for the 2009 Americas Conference on Information Systems.

  • Chair of the Claremont Graduate University Faculty from June 2011-May 2013

  • Associate Director of the Center for Information Systems and Technology for 2013-2014.

PhD, Indiana University