Dr. Jeremy Hunter (CGU)

Jeremy Hunter

Assistant Professor of Practice


Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2001

M.P.P., Harvard University, 1996

B.A., Wittenberg University, 1994


Personal Page

Teaching Interests and Areas of Expertise

I teach courses on The Practice of Self-Management, a challenging curriculum that cultivates human capital by developing positive qualities necessary for sustainable and effective professional action. The course develops the skill of mindfulness, a focused and deliberate moment-to-moment awareness. Mindfulness is a powerful tool for short-circuiting destructive cycles of stress and irrational emotional actions that debilitate performance. With practice, it enhances clarity, focus and judgment, enables more skillful decision-making, improves communication and interpersonal relationships, and fosters greater quality of life.

Current Research Interests

I am currently writing about long-term mindfulness practitioners and the effects practice has on positively transforming their personal lives and enhancing their professional commitments.

Professional Activities

I co-founded the Quality of Life Research Center, located at the Drucker School, in 1999. Currently, in addition to teaching, I am in private practice using mindfulness-based tools with individual professionals and organizations to develop their managerial capacities.